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Add ev3 product flavor #65

Closed tiwanari closed 7 years ago

tiwanari commented 7 years ago

This PR introduces the product flavor for Ev3Drive which controls LEGO MINDSTROMS EV3 and is a cleaned version of a released app.

This PR also includes some minor changes of nxt package to follow the changes in the ev3 package.

tiwanari commented 7 years ago

Hi @makotoshimazu @myusak

I implemented the ev3 product flavor based on the nxt's. After merging this PR, I will make the same kind of flavor for pile. Please review it :) Thank you in advance.

tiwanari commented 7 years ago

ping @mandaiy @makotoshimazu

Please give this PR comments :) thanks

tiwanari commented 7 years ago

Thank you for checking codes, @mandaiy !!

How about you, @makotoshimazu ? :)

tiwanari commented 7 years ago

I'll make PR for the pile flavor, and let's discuss there stuff like refactoring :)