PillFall / languagetool.el

LanguageTool suggestions integrated within Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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languagetool-server-url ignored #23

Open laotse opened 7 months ago

laotse commented 7 months ago

What version of Emacs are you running?


What version of LanguageTool are you running?


What version of this package are you running?


What is the current behaviour?

Although I specify "languagetool-server-url" for my own server, in tcpdump I see emacs connecting to localhost:8081 as IPv6

What is you expect to happen?

emacs should connect to the server specified in languagetool-server-url

What do you do to get this bug?

The config in ~/.emacs:

;; languagetool
(use-package languagetool
  :ensure t
  :defer t
  :commands (languagetool-check
  (setq languagetool-java-arguments '("-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8")
    languagetool-server-url "http://languagetool.example.com"
    languagetool-server-port 8081)
  :bind (("<f7>" . languagetool-server-mode)
     ("<f8>" . languagetool-correct-buffer)))

Then load any document and press <f7>.
laotse commented 7 months ago

If I change the default value in languagetool-server.el i.e., line 67: (defcustom languagetool-server-url "http://languagetool.example.com", then it works as expected. It's just the setting in .emacs, which is apparently ignored.

laotse commented 7 months ago

When I start-up emacs none of the languagetool- variables are known. After pressing <f7>, languagetool-server-url exists, but has its default value. Manually setting it after the system has been initialized by <f7>: M-: (setq languagetool-server-url "http://languagetool.example.com") pressing <f7> again it works as expected.

I have no clue about emacs lisp, but could it be that languagetool-server-url is not declared at the point where .emacs attempts to set it?

PillFall commented 7 months ago

Hello @laotse,

Is the first time I encounter a bug like this.

This part of the code is intended for the use of Emacs customize


I believe the the bug you are encountering have to deal with the usage of use-package, but as you set the defer flag to non-nil, it must load all the customize options after all the package is load. So we end up as the beginning.

It is weird that only the languagetool-server-url variable have this problem. Tell me if I'm wrong.

I will study the bug. And try to fix it asap.

PillFall commented 1 month ago

Maybe this could be related to #19?

laotse commented 1 month ago

Hello @PillFall,

the issue may affect other variables as well. It's just that I have only languagetool-server-url set to a non default value. All the rest are default. Concerning issue #19 it seems that the entire command is not set, which is not the case on my side. The commands are working fine.