Pilskalns / directus-hugo-driver

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Download markdown images on article folder #3

Open kosssi opened 3 years ago

kosssi commented 3 years ago

Whaouuuu you script is awesome! Thanks for sharing it.

I test Directus and experiment to make it my Hugo admin front ;) Are you doing this?

Your script just lacks the download of the images contained in the markdown. Do you think this is a simple feature to implement?

Pilskalns commented 3 years ago

Hi @kosssi,

Yes, those things would be easy to implement.

At the time of publishing, this was part of PoC for me. I published it here to test out the full workflow together with Netlify (this package is imported as a dependency for a package where Hugo lives. During the build, it first runs the driver to collect the files, then runs Hugo over them.)

Unfortunately for this project, we decided to use a different CMS/publishing concept without Directus and/or Hugo.

Feel free to fork the project and evolve it as you see fit. Unfortunately, I will not have time to work on it.

Pilskalns commented 3 years ago

please see this https://github.com/Pilskalns/directus-hugo-driver/issues/2 for example how to make it running.