I'm succesfully able to move a robot with moveit and pilz pipeline, but what if i have to plan the motion of multiple robot? Because a can launch moveit in a namespace to differentiate the robot, but when in comes to use pilz API defining robot how can i pass the namespace of the robot to control?
In my specific case i have two robots "left" and "right" that have to move for an assembly task.
Hi Kevin. You can pass a planning goup to the commands with the planning_group param. For example for Ptp:
Ptp(planning_group="my_group", goal=[0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
Hi, I'm succesfully able to move a robot with moveit and pilz pipeline, but what if i have to plan the motion of multiple robot? Because a can launch moveit in a namespace to differentiate the robot, but when in comes to use pilz API defining robot how can i pass the namespace of the robot to control?
In my specific case i have two robots "left" and "right" that have to move for an assembly task.
Thank your for the attention