PimDoos / onesmartcontrolha

Home Assisttant integration for One Smart Control server
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

"None" error after installing #34

Closed Eeleco closed 1 year ago

Eeleco commented 1 year ago

V 3.0 (release)

Deze fout is ontstaan door een aangepaste integratie.

Logger: custom_components.onesmartcontrol.onesmartwrapper Source: custom_components/onesmartcontrol/onesmartwrapper.py:88 Integration: One Smart Control (documentation, issues) First occurred: 11:21:03 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 11:21:03

Authentication error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer

‐----- SECOND ERROR ------ Logger: homeassistant.config_entries Source: config_entries.py:1034 First occurred: 11:21:03 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 11:21:03

Config entry 'One Smart Control' for onesmartcontrol integration could not authenticate: None

------- THIRD ERROR -------

Logger: homeassistant Source: data_entry_flow.py:362 First occurred: 11:21:03 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 11:21:03

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/data_entry_flow.py", line 225, in async_init flow, result = await task File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/data_entry_flow.py", line 252, in _async_init result = await self._async_handle_step(flow, flow.init_step, data, init_done) File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/data_entry_flow.py", line 362, in _async_handle_step raise UnknownStep( homeassistant.data_entry_flow.UnknownStep: Handler ConfigFlow doesn't support step reauth

PimDoos commented 1 year ago

The third error should be fixable by adding reauthentication to the config flow. I'll add these in the next version. The first two are likely caused by the OneConnect resetting the connection before the integration completes authentication. This might be a temporary or networking issue. If not, I'd like to see whether the debug_devices script works properly or not.

Eeleco commented 1 year ago

Debug export send (the debug was without fixes applied)

Testing these changes;

New error's; Logger: homeassistant.config_entries Source: config_entries.py:1111 First occurred: 14:46:10 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 14:46:10

Config entry 'One Smart Control' for onesmartcontrol integration not ready yet: None; Retrying in background

Second error Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor Source: custom_components/onesmartcontrol/onesmartentity.py:31 Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues) First occurred: 14:47:16 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 14:47:16

Error while setting up onesmartcontrol platform for sensor Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 281, in _async_setup_platform await asyncio.shield(task) File "/config/custom_components/onesmartcontrol/sensor.py", line 92, in async_setup_entry OneSmartSensor( File "/config/custom_components/onesmartcontrol/sensor.py", line 127, in init super().init(hass, config_entry, wrapper, update_topic, source, device_id, name, suffix, icon) File "/config/custom_components/onesmartcontrol/onesmartentity.py", line 31, in init self._room = rooms[self._device[OneSmartFieldName.ROOM]] KeyError: ''

Third error Deze fout is ontstaan door een aangepaste integratie.

Logger: custom_components.onesmartcontrol.onesmartwrapper Source: custom_components/onesmartcontrol/onesmartwrapper.py:478 Integration: One Smart Control (documentation, issues) First occurred: 14:48:14 (4 occurrences) Last logged: 14:49:17

Command on socket poll timed out after 60 seconds: apparatus

Fourth error Deze fout is ontstaan door een aangepaste integratie.

Logger: custom_components.onesmartcontrol.onesmartwrapper Source: custom_components/onesmartcontrol/onesmartwrapper.py:247 Integration: One Smart Control (documentation, issues) First occurred: 14:48:14 (4 occurrences) Last logged: 14:49:17

Could not update ['operating_mode', 'room_temperature_zone1', 'hc_thermostat_target_temperature_zone1', 'system_onoff'] for 'HEATPUMP': Client read timed out Could not update ['fault_code', 'inverter_temperature', 'phase_3_output_power', 'phase_3_output_current'] for 'PV INVERTER': Client read timed out

Eeleco commented 1 year ago

Fourth error update

Deze fout is ontstaan door een aangepaste integratie.

Logger: custom_components.onesmartcontrol.onesmartwrapper Source: custom_components/onesmartcontrol/onesmartwrapper.py:247 Integration: One Smart Control (documentation, issues) First occurred: 14:48:14 (30 occurrences) Last logged: 15:09:52

Could not update ['co2_level_first_floor', 'co2_level_ground_floor', 'exit_air_temperature', 'inlet_air_temperature'] for 'COMFOAIR': Client read timed out Could not update ['phase_1_output_power', 'phase_1_output_current', 'phase_1_output_voltage', 'grid_frequency'] for 'PV INVERTER': Client read timed out Could not update ['outside_air_temperature', 'outlet_ventilator_rpm', 'inlet_ventilator_rpm', 'outlet_air_percentage'] for 'COMFOAIR': Client read timed out Could not update ['apiversion'] for 'HUE BRIDGE': Client read timed out Could not update ['apiversion'] for 'HUE BRIDGE': Server responded with {'error': 3, 'description': 'timeout'}

Eeleco commented 1 year ago

Deze fout is ontstaan door een aangepaste integratie.

Logger: custom_components.onesmartcontrol.onesmartwrapper Source: custom_components/onesmartcontrol/onesmartwrapper.py:478 Integration: One Smart Control (documentation, issues) First occurred: 15:17:33 (6 occurrences) Last logged: 15:33:01

Command on socket poll timed out after 60 seconds: apparatus

PimDoos commented 1 year ago

As discussed seperately, this appears to be fixed with a reboot of the OneEnergy