PimDoos / onesmartcontrolha

Home Assisttant integration for One Smart Control server
Apache License 2.0
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Fix deprecation message around light entities + Fix security system errors when using HA Homekit integration #67

Open x3n0n10 opened 3 months ago

x3n0n10 commented 3 months ago

Light entity: Link to details around the mentioned deprecation message: https://developers.home-assistant.io/blog/2024/02/12/light-color-mode-mandatory/

Alarm Control Panel entity: HA was throwing the following error messages when using the Homekit integration:

SecuritySystemCurrentState: value=0 is an invalid value.
SecuritySystemTargetState: value=0 is an invalid value.

Homekit apparently expects the ARMED_HOME mode to be there, so using that instead of the DISARMED mode.