Pin-Jiun / Machine-Learning-MIT

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CH3-Perceptron Implementation #4

Open Pin-Jiun opened 1 year ago

Pin-Jiun commented 1 year ago

Evaluating a classifier

To evaluate a classifier, we are interested in how well it performs on data that it wasn't trained on. Construct a testing procedure that uses a training data set, calls a learning algorithm to get a linear separator (a tuple of θ, θ0)and then reports the percentage correct on a new testing set as a float between 0. and 1..

The learning algorithm is passed as a function that takes a data array and a labels vector. Your evaluator should be able to interchangeably evaluate perceptron or averaged_perceptron (or future algorithms with the same spec), depending on what is passed through the learner parameter.


def cv(value_list):
    Takes a list of numbers and returns a column vector:  n x 1
    return np.transpose(rv(value_list))

def rv(value_list):
    Takes a list of numbers and returns a row vector: 1 x n
    return np.array([value_list])

def y(x, th, th0):
    x is dimension d by 1
    th is dimension d by 1
    th0 is a scalar
    return a 1 by 1 matrix
    return, x) + th0

def positive(x, th, th0):
    x is dimension d by 1
    th is dimension d by 1
    th0 is dimension 1 by 1
    return 1 by 1 matrix of +1, 0, -1
    return np.sign(y(x, th, th0))

def score(data, labels, th, th0):
    data is dimension d by n
    labels is dimension 1 by n
    ths is dimension d by 1
    th0s is dimension 1 by 1
    return 1 by 1 matrix of integer indicating number of data points correct for
    each separator.
    return np.sum(positive(data, th, th0) == labels)

其中score 的inputs: data: a d by n array of floats (representing n data points in d dimensions) labels: a 1 by n array of elements in (+1, -1), representing target labels th: a d by 1 array of floats that together with th0: a single scalar or 1 by 1 array, represents a hyperplane

score 的returns a scalar number of data points that the separator correctly classified.

The eval_classifier function should accept the following parameters:

learner - a function, such as perceptron or averaged_perceptron data_train - training data labels_train - training labels data_test - test data labels_test - test labels and returns the percentage correct on a new testing set as a float between 0. and 1..

def eval_classifier(learner, data_train, labels_train, data_test, labels_test):
    th, th0 = learner(data=data_train, labels=labels_train)
    d, n = data_test.shape
    all_score = score(data_test, labels_test, th, th0)
    ans = all_score/n

    return ans
Pin-Jiun commented 1 year ago

Evaluating a learning algorithm using a data source

Construct a testing procedure that takes a learning algorithm and a data source as input and runs the learning algorithm multiple times, each time evaluating the resulting classifier as above. It should report the overall average classification accuracy.

You can use our implementation of eval_classifier as above.

Write the function eval_learning_alg that takes:

returns the average classification accuracy as a float between 0. and 1..

Note: Be sure to generate your training data and then testing data in that order, to ensure that the pseudorandomly generated data matches that in the test code.

def eval_learning_alg(learner, data_gen, n_train, n_test, it):
    score = 0
    for i in range(it):
        data_train, labels_train = data_gen(n_train)
        data_test, labels_test = data_gen(n_test) 
        score_i = eval_classifier(learner, data_train, labels_train, data_test, labels_test)
        print("score_i = {}".format(score_i))

        score+= score_i

    return score/it
Pin-Jiun commented 1 year ago

Evaluating a learning algorithm with a fixed dataset

Cross-validation is a strategy for evaluating a learning algorithm, using a single training set of size n. Cross-validation takes in a learning algorithm L, a fixed data set D, and a parameter k. It will run the learning algorithm k different times, then evaluate the accuracy of the resulting classifier, and ultimately return the average of the accuracies over each of the k "runs" of L. It is structured like this:

divide D into k parts, as equally as possible;  call them D_i for i == 0 .. k-1
# be sure the data is shuffled in case someone put all the positive examples first in the data!
for j from 0 to k-1:
    D_minus_j = union of all the datasets D_i, except for D_j
    h_j = L(D_minus_j)
    score_j = accuracy of h_j measured on D_j
return average(score0, ..., score(k-1))

So, each time, it trains on k−1 of the pieces of the data set and tests the resulting hypothesis on the piece that was not used for training.

When k = n , it is called leave-one-out cross validation.

Implement cross validation assuming that the input data is shuffled already so that the positives and negatives are distributed randomly. If the size of the data does not evenly divide by k, split the data into n % k sub-arrays of size n//k + 1 and the rest of size n//k. (Hint: You can use numpy.array_split and numpy.concatenate with axis arguments to split and rejoin the data as you desire.)

Note: In Python, n//k indicates integer division, e.g. 2//3 gives 0 and 4//3 gives 1.

import numpy as np
def xval_learning_alg(learner, data, labels, k):
    s_data = np.array_split(data, k, axis=1)
    s_labels = np.array_split(labels, k, axis=1)

    score_sum = 0
    for i in range(k):
        data_train = np.concatenate(s_data[:i] + s_data[i+1:], axis=1)
        labels_train = np.concatenate(s_labels[:i] + s_labels[i+1:], axis=1)
        data_test = np.array(s_data[i])
        labels_test = np.array(s_labels[i])
        score_sum += eval_classifier(learner, data_train, labels_train,
                                              data_test, labels_test)
    return score_sum/k
Pin-Jiun commented 1 year ago


In this section, we compare the effectiveness of perceptron and averaged perceptron on some data that are not necessarily linearly separable.

Use your eval_learning_alg and the gen_flipped_lin_separable function in the code file to evaluate the accuracy of perceptron vs. averaged_perceptron. gen_flipped_lin_separable is a wrapper function that returns a generator - flip_generator, which can be called with an integer to return a data set and labels. Note that this generates linearly separable data and then "flips" the labels with some specified probability (the argument pflip); so most of the results will not be linearly separable. You can also specifiy pflip in the call to the generator wrapper function. At the bottom of the code distribution is an example.

Run enough trials so that you can confidently predict the accuracy of these algorithms on new data from that same generator; assume training/test sets on the order of 20 points. The Tutor will check that your answer is within 0.025 of the answer we got using the same generator.

def perceptron(data, labels, params = {}, hook = None):    
    # if T not in params, default to 100
    T = params.get('T', 100)
    # Your implementation here
    d, n = data.shape
    theta = np.zeros((d,1))
    theta_0 = np.zeros(1)
    print("d = {}, n = {}, theta shape = {}, theta_0 shape = {}".format(d,n,theta.shape,theta_0.shape))

    for t in range(T):     
      for i in range(n):
        y = labels[0,i]
        x = data[:,i]

        a =,theta)+theta_0
        #print("a = {}".format(a))
        positive = np.sign(y*a)

        if np.sign(y*a) <=0: # update the thetas
          theta[:,0] = theta[:,0]+ y*x
          theta_0 = theta_0 + y

    print("shape x = {}, y = {}, theta = {}, theta_0 = {}".format(x.shape,y.shape,theta.shape,theta_0.shape))
    return (theta,np.expand_dims(theta_0,axis=0))

#Visualization of perceptron, comment in the next three lines to see your perceptron code in action:
for datafn in (super_simple_separable_through_origin,super_simple_separable):
   data, labels = datafn()

#Test Cases:

def averaged_perceptron(data, labels, params={}, hook=None):
    # if T not in params, default to 100
    T = params.get('T', 100)
    d, n = data.shape
    theta = np.zeros((d,1))
    theta_s = np.zeros((d,1))
    theta_0 = np.zeros(1)
    theta_0_s = np.zeros(1)

    for t in range(T):     
      for i in range(n):
        y = labels[0,i]
        x = data[:,i]

        if np.sign(y*(,theta)+theta_0)) <=0: # update the thetas

            theta[:,0] = theta[:,0]+ y*x
            theta_0 = theta_0 + y

        theta_s = theta_s + theta
        theta_0_s = theta_0_s + theta_0

    return theta_s/(n*T), theta_0_s/(n*T)

Averaged Perceptron是Perceptron演算法的變體。 和原始的Perceptron演算法不同,Averaged Perceptron在更新權重的同時還會保留之前的權重平均值。 這樣做的目的是為了防止過擬合(overfitting)。

Averaged Perceptron的主要思路是,每次迭代時先對權重進行更新,然後再把當前權重加到過去權重的總和上。 在每個迭代結束時,將過去的權重總和除以總迭代次數和樣本數來得到平均權重。

Pin-Jiun commented 1 year ago
Code for MIT 6.036 Homework 2
# Implement perceptron, average perceptron

import pdb
import operator
import itertools

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matplotlib import colors

# Plotting

def tidy_plot(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, center = False, title = None,
                 xlabel = None, ylabel = None):
    Set up axes for plotting
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = (float) plot extents
    Return matplotlib axes
    ax = plt.subplot()
    if center:
    eps = .05
    plt.xlim(xmin-eps, xmax+eps)
    plt.ylim(ymin-eps, ymax+eps)
    if title: ax.set_title(title)
    if xlabel: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel)
    if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)
    return ax

def plot_separator(ax, th, th_0):
    Plot separator in 2D
    ax = (matplotlib plot) plot axis
    th = (numpy array) theta
    th_0 = (float) theta_0
    xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
    ymin,ymax = ax.get_ylim()
    pts = []
    eps = 1.0e-6
    # xmin boundary crossing is when xmin th[0] + y th[1] + th_0 = 0
    # that is, y = (-th_0 - xmin th[0]) / th[1]
    if abs(th[1,0]) > eps:
        pts += [np.array([x, (-th_0 - x * th[0,0]) / th[1,0]]) \
                                                        for x in (xmin, xmax)]
    if abs(th[0,0]) > 1.0e-6:
        pts += [np.array([(-th_0 - y * th[1,0]) / th[0,0], y]) \
                                                         for y in (ymin, ymax)]
    in_pts = []
    for p in pts:
        if (xmin-eps) <= p[0] <= (xmax+eps) and \
           (ymin-eps) <= p[1] <= (ymax+eps):
            duplicate = False
            for p1 in in_pts:
                if np.max(np.abs(p - p1)) < 1.0e-6:
                    duplicate = True
            if not duplicate:
    if in_pts and len(in_pts) >= 2:
        # Plot separator
        vpts = np.vstack(in_pts)
        ax.plot(vpts[:,0], vpts[:,1], 'k-', lw=2)
        # Plot normal
        vmid = 0.5*(in_pts[0] + in_pts[1])
        scale = np.sum(th*th)**0.5
        diff = in_pts[0] - in_pts[1]
        dist = max(xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin)        
        vnrm = vmid + (dist/10)*(th.T[0]/scale)
        vpts = np.vstack([vmid, vnrm])
        ax.plot(vpts[:,0], vpts[:,1], 'k-', lw=2)
        # Try to keep limits from moving around
        ax.set_xlim((xmin, xmax))
        ax.set_ylim((ymin, ymax))
        print('Separator not in plot range')

def plot_data(data, labels, ax = None, clear = False,
                  xmin = None, xmax = None, ymin = None, ymax = None):
    Make scatter plot of data.
    data = (numpy array)
    ax = (matplotlib plot)
    clear = (bool) clear current plot first
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = (float) plot extents
    returns matplotlib plot on ax 
    if ax is None:
        if xmin == None: xmin = np.min(data[0, :]) - 0.5
        if xmax == None: xmax = np.max(data[0, :]) + 0.5
        if ymin == None: ymin = np.min(data[1, :]) - 0.5
        if ymax == None: ymax = np.max(data[1, :]) + 0.5
        ax = tidy_plot(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        x_range = xmax - xmin; y_range = ymax - ymin
        if .1 < x_range / y_range < 10:
        xlim, ylim = ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()
    elif clear:
        xlim, ylim = ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()
        xlim, ylim = ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()
    colors = np.choose(labels > 0, cv(['r', 'g']))[0]
    ax.scatter(data[0,:], data[1,:], c = colors,
                    marker = 'o', s=50, edgecolors = 'none')
    # Seems to occasionally mess up the limits
    ax.set_xlim(xlim); ax.set_ylim(ylim)
    ax.grid(True, which='both')
    #ax.axhline(y=0, color='k')
    #ax.axvline(x=0, color='k')
    return ax

def plot_nonlin_sep(predictor, ax = None, xmin = None , xmax = None,
                        ymin = None, ymax = None, res = 30):
    Must either specify limits or existing ax
    Shows matplotlib plot on ax
    if ax is None:
        ax = tidy_plot(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        if xmin == None:
            xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
            ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()
            ax.set_xlim((xmin, xmax))
            ax.set_ylim((ymin, ymax))

    cmap = colors.ListedColormap(['black', 'white'])
    norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)            

    ima = np.array([[predictor(x1i, x2i) \
                         for x1i in np.linspace(xmin, xmax, res)] \
                         for x2i in np.linspace(ymin, ymax, res)])
    im = ax.imshow(np.flipud(ima), interpolation = 'none',
                       extent = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax],
                       cmap = cmap, norm = norm)

#   Utilities

def cv(value_list):
    Takes a list of numbers and returns a column vector:  n x 1
    return np.transpose(rv(value_list))

def rv(value_list):
    Takes a list of numbers and returns a row vector: 1 x n
    return np.array([value_list])

def y(x, th, th0):
    x is dimension d by 1
    th is dimension d by 1
    th0 is a scalar
    return a 1 by 1 matrix
    return, x) + th0

def positive(x, th, th0):
    x is dimension d by 1
    th is dimension d by 1
    th0 is dimension 1 by 1
    return 1 by 1 matrix of +1, 0, -1
    return np.sign(y(x, th, th0))

def score(data, labels, th, th0):
    data is dimension d by n
    labels is dimension 1 by n
    ths is dimension d by 1
    th0s is dimension 1 by 1
    return 1 by 1 matrix of integer indicating number of data points correct for
    each separator.
    return np.sum(positive(data, th, th0) == labels)

#   Data Sets

def super_simple_separable_through_origin():
    Return d = 2 by n = 4 data matrix and 1 x n = 4 label matrix
    X = np.array([[2, 3, 9, 12],
                  [5, 1, 6, 5]])
    y = np.array([[1, -1, 1, -1]])
    return X, y

def super_simple_separable():
    Return d = 2 by n = 4 data matrix and 1 x n = 4 label matrix
    X = np.array([[2, 3, 9, 12],
                  [5, 2, 6, 5]])
    y = np.array([[1, -1, 1, -1]])
    return X, y

def xor():
    Return d = 2 by n = 4 data matrix and 1 x n = 4 label matrix
    X = np.array([[1, 2, 1, 2],
                  [1, 2, 2, 1]])
    y = np.array([[1, 1, -1, -1]])
    return X, y

def xor_more():
    Return d = 2 by n = 4 data matrix and 1 x n = 4 label matrix
    X = np.array([[1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 4, 1, 3],
                  [1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3]])
    y = np.array([[1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1]])
    return X, y

# Test data for problem 2.1
data1, labels1, data2, labels2 = \
(np.array([[-2.97797707,  2.84547604,  3.60537239, -1.72914799, -2.51139524,
         3.10363716,  2.13434789,  1.61328413,  2.10491257, -3.87099125,
         3.69972003, -0.23572183, -4.19729119, -3.51229538, -1.75975746,
        -4.93242615,  2.16880073, -4.34923279, -0.76154262,  3.04879591,
        -4.70503877,  0.25768309,  2.87336016,  3.11875861, -1.58542576,
        -1.00326657,  3.62331703, -4.97864369, -3.31037331, -1.16371314],
       [ 0.99951218, -3.69531043, -4.65329654,  2.01907382,  0.31689211,
         2.4843758 , -3.47935105, -4.31857472, -0.11863976,  0.34441625,
         0.77851176,  1.6403079 , -0.57558913, -3.62293005, -2.9638734 ,
        -2.80071438,  2.82523704,  2.07860509,  0.23992709,  4.790368  ,
        -2.33037832,  2.28365246, -1.27955206, -0.16325247,  2.75740801,
         4.48727808,  1.6663558 ,  2.34395397,  1.45874837, -4.80999977]]), 
 np.array([[-1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1.,  1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1., -1., -1.,
        -1.,  1., -1.,  1., -1., -1., -1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1., -1.,
        -1., -1., -1., -1.]]), np.array([[ 0.6894022 , -4.34035772,  3.8811067 ,  4.29658177,  1.79692041,
         0.44275816, -3.12150658,  1.18263462, -1.25872232,  4.33582168,
         1.48141202,  1.71791177,  4.31573568,  1.69988085, -2.67875489,
        -2.44165649, -2.75008176, -4.19299345, -3.15999758,  2.24949368,
         4.98930636, -3.56829885, -2.79278501, -2.21547048,  2.4705776 ,
         4.80481986,  2.77995092,  1.95142828,  4.48454942, -4.22151738],
       [-2.89934727,  1.65478851,  2.99375325,  1.38341854, -4.66701003,
        -2.14807131, -4.14811829,  3.75270334,  4.54721208,  2.28412663,
        -4.74733482,  2.55610647,  3.91806508, -2.3478982 ,  4.31366925,
        -0.92428271, -0.84831235, -3.02079092,  4.85660032, -1.86705397,
        -3.20974025, -4.88505017,  3.01645974,  0.03879148, -0.31871427,
         2.79448951, -2.16504256, -3.91635569,  3.81750006,  4.40719702]]),
 np.array([[-1., -1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1., -1.,  1.,  1.,  1., -1.,  1.,  1.,
        -1.,  1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1., -1.,  1., -1.,  1., -1.,  1., -1.,
        -1.,  1.,  1.,  1.]]))

# Test data for problem 2.2
big_data, big_data_labels = (np.array([[-2.04297103, -1.85361169, -2.65467827, -1.23013149, -0.31934782,
         1.33112127,  2.3297942 ,  1.47705445, -1.9733787 , -2.35476882,
        -4.97193554,  3.49851995,  4.00302943,  0.83369183,  0.41371989,
         4.37614714,  1.03536965,  1.2354608 , -0.7933465 , -3.85456759,
         3.22134658, -3.39787483, -1.31182253, -2.61363628, -1.14618119,
        -0.2174626 ,  1.32549116,  2.54520221,  0.31565661,  2.24648287,
        -3.33355258, -0.98689271, -0.24876636, -3.16008017,  1.22353111,
         4.77766994, -1.81670773, -3.58939471, -2.16268851,  2.88028351,
        -3.42297827, -2.74992813, -0.40293356, -3.45377267,  0.62400624,
        -0.35794507, -4.1648704 , -1.08734116,  0.22367444,  1.09067619,
         1.28738004,  2.07442478,  4.61951855,  4.47029706,  2.86510481,
         4.12532285,  0.48170777,  0.60089857,  4.50287515,  2.95549453,
         4.22791451, -1.28022286,  2.53126681,  2.41887277, -4.9921717 ,
         4.15022718,  0.49670572,  2.0268248 , -4.63475897, -4.20528418,
         1.77013481, -3.45389325,  1.0238472 , -1.2735185 ,  4.75384686,
         1.32622048, -0.13092625,  1.23457116, -1.69515197,  2.82027615,
        -1.01140935,  3.36451016,  4.43762708, -4.2679604 ,  4.76734154,
        -4.14496071, -4.38737405, -1.13214501, -2.89008477,  3.22986894,
         1.84103699, -3.91906092, -2.8867831 ,  2.31059245, -3.62773189,
        -4.58459406, -4.06343392, -3.10927054,  1.09152472,  2.99896855],
       [-2.1071566 , -3.06450052, -3.43898434,  0.71320285,  1.51214693,
         4.14295175,  4.73681233, -2.80366981,  1.56182223,  0.07061724,
        -0.92053415, -3.61953464,  0.39577344, -3.03202474, -4.90408303,
        -0.10239158, -1.35546287,  1.31372748, -1.97924525, -3.72545813,
         1.84834303, -0.13679709,  1.36748822, -2.92886952, -2.48367819,
        -0.0894489 , -2.99090327,  0.35494698,  0.94797491,  4.20393035,
        -3.14009852, -4.86292242,  3.2964068 , -0.9911453 ,  4.39465   ,
         3.64956975, -0.72225648, -0.15864119, -2.0340774 , -4.00758749,
         0.8627915 ,  3.73237594, -0.70011824,  1.07566463, -4.05063547,
        -3.98137177,  4.82410619,  2.5905222 ,  0.34188269, -1.44737803,
         3.27583966,  2.06616486, -4.43584161,  0.27795053,  4.37207651,
        -4.48564119,  0.7183541 ,  1.59374552, -0.13951634,  0.67825519,
        -4.02423434,  4.15893861, -1.52110278,  2.1320374 ,  3.31118893,
        -4.04072252,  2.41403912, -1.04635499,  3.39575642,  2.2189097 ,
         4.78827245,  1.19808069,  3.10299723,  0.18927394,  0.14437543,
        -4.17561642,  0.6060279 ,  0.22693751, -3.39593567,  1.14579319,
         3.65449494, -1.27240159,  0.73111639,  3.48806017,  2.48538719,
        -1.83892096,  1.42819622, -1.37538641,  3.4022984 ,  0.82757044,
        -3.81792516,  2.77707152, -1.49241173,  2.71063994, -3.33495679,
        -4.00845675,  0.719904  , -2.3257032 ,  1.65515972, -1.90859948]]), np.array([[-1., -1., -1.,  1.,  1., -1.,  1., -1.,  1., -1., -1., -1.,  1.,
         1., -1.,  1., -1., -1., -1.,  1., -1., -1.,  1., -1.,  1., -1.,
        -1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1., -1.,  1., -1.,  1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1.,
         1., -1.,  1., -1.,  1., -1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1., -1.,  1.,  1.,
        -1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1.,  1.,  1.,  1., -1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1.,
         1.,  1.,  1.,  1., -1.,  1., -1.,  1., -1., -1., -1.,  1.,  1.,
        -1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1.,  1., -1., -1., -1.,  1., -1.,
        -1., -1.,  1., -1., -1., -1., -1.,  1.,  1.]]))

def gen_big_data():
    Return method that generates a dataset of input size n of X, y drawn from big_data
    nd = big_data.shape[1]
    current = [0]
    def f(n):
        cur = current[0]
        vals = big_data[:,cur:cur+n], big_data_labels[:,cur:cur+n]
        current[0] += n
        if current[0] >= nd: current[0] = 0
        return vals
    return f

def gen_lin_separable(num_points=20, th=np.array([[3],[4]]), th_0=np.array([[0]]), dim=2):
    Generate linearly separable dataset X, y given theta and theta0
    Return X, y where
    X is a numpy array where each column represents a dim-dimensional data point
    y is a column vector of 1s and -1s
    X = np.random.uniform(low=-5, high=5, size=(dim, num_points))
    y = np.sign(, X) + th_0)
    return X, y

def big_higher_dim_separable():
    X, y = gen_lin_separable(num_points=50, dim=6, th=np.array([[3],[4],[2],[1],[0],[3]]))
    return X, y

def gen_flipped_lin_separable(num_points=20, pflip=0.25, th=np.array([[3],[4]]), th_0=np.array([[0]]), dim=2):
    Generate difficult (usually not linearly separable) data sets by
    "flipping" labels with some probability.
    Returns a method which takes num_points and flips labels with pflip
    def flip_generator(num_points=20):
        X, y = gen_lin_separable(num_points, th, th_0, dim)
        flip = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(num_points,))
        for i in range(num_points):
            if flip[i] < pflip: y[0,i] = -y[0,i]
        return X, y
    return flip_generator

#   tests

def test_linear_classifier(dataFun, learner, learner_params = {},
                             draw = False, refresh = True, pause = False):
    Prints score of your classifier on given dataset
    dataFun method that returns a dataset
    learner your classifier method
    learner_params parameters for the learner
    data, labels = dataFun()
    d, n = data.shape
    if draw:
        ax = plot_data(data, labels)
        def hook(params):
            (th, th0) = params
            if refresh: plot_data(data, labels, ax, clear = True)
            plot_separator(ax, th, th0)
            #print('th', th.T, 'th0', th0)
            if pause: input('go?')
        hook = None
    th, th0 = learner(data, labels, hook = hook, params = learner_params)
    print("Final score", float(score(data, labels, th, th0)) / n)
    print("Params", np.transpose(th), th0)

expected_perceptron = [(np.array([[-9.0], [18.0]]), np.array([[2.0]])),(np.array([[0.0], [-3.0]]), np.array([[0.0]]))]
expected_averaged = [(np.array([[-9.0525], [17.5825]]), np.array([[1.9425]])),(np.array([[1.47], [-1.7275]]), np.array([[0.985]]))]
datasets = [super_simple_separable_through_origin,xor]

def incorrect(expected,result):
    print("Test Failed.")
    print("Your code output ",result)
    print("Expected ",expected)

def correct():
    print("Passed! \n")

def test_perceptron(perceptron):
    Checks perceptron theta and theta0 values for 100 iterations
    for index in range(len(datasets)):
        data, labels = datasets[index]()
        th,th0 = perceptron(data, labels, {"T": 100})
        expected_th,expected_th0 = expected_perceptron[index]
        print("-----------Test Perceptron "+str(index)+"-----------")
        if((th==expected_th).all() and (th0==expected_th0).all()):
            incorrect("th: "+str(expected_th.tolist())+", th0: "+str(expected_th0.tolist()), "th: "+str(th.tolist())+", th0: "+str(th0.tolist()))

def test_averaged_perceptron(averaged_perceptron):
    Checks average perceptron theta and theta0 values for 100 iterations
    for index in range(2):
        data, labels = datasets[index]()
        th,th0 = averaged_perceptron(data, labels, {"T": 100})
        expected_th,expected_th0 = expected_averaged[index]
        print("-----------Test Averaged Perceptron "+str(index)+"-----------")
        if((th==expected_th).all() and (th0==expected_th0).all()):
            incorrect("th: "+str(expected_th.tolist())+", th0: "+str(expected_th0.tolist()), "th: "+str(th.tolist())+", th0: "+str(th0.tolist()))

def test_eval_classifier(eval_classifier,perceptron):
    Checks your classifier's performance on data1
    expected = [0.5333333333333333,0.6333333333333333]
    dataset_train = [(data1,labels1),(data2,labels2)]
    for index in range(len(dataset_train)):
        data_train,labels_train = dataset_train[index]
        result = eval_classifier(perceptron, data_train, labels_train,data2,labels2)
        print("-----------Test Eval Classifier "+str(index)+"-----------")

def test_eval_learning_alg(eval_learning_alg,perceptron):
    Checks your learning algorithm's performance on big_data
    eval_learning_alg method for evaluating learning algorithm
    perceptron your perceptron learning algorithm method
    expected = 0.5599999999999999
    result = eval_learning_alg(perceptron, gen_big_data(), 10, 10, 5)
    print("-----------Test Eval Learning Algo-----------")
    if result == expected:

def test_xval_learning_alg(xval_learning_alg,perceptron):
    Checks your learning algorithm's performance on big_data using cross validation
    xval_learning_alg method for evaluating learning algorithm using cross validation
    perceptron your perceptron learning algorithm method
    expected = 0.61
    result=xval_learning_alg(perceptron, big_data, big_data_labels, 5)
    print("-----------Test Cross-eval Learning Algo-----------")
    if result == expected:

# Your code is written below

def perceptron(data, labels, params = {}, hook = None):    
    # if T not in params, default to 100
    #函數嘗試從字典 params 中獲取鍵為 'T' 的值,如果沒有找到,則返回默認值 100。
    #也就是說,如果函數在調用時未指定 'T' 參數,則 T 的值將是 100。
    #這裡使用了字典的 get() 方法,可以有效避免在 params 中沒有 'T' 鍵的情況下出現異常。
    T = params.get('T', 100)
    # Your implementation here
    d, n = data.shape
    theta = np.zeros((d,1))
    theta_0 = np.zeros((1,1))
    # print("d = {}, n = {}, theta shape = {}, theta_0 shape = {}".format(d,n,theta.shape,theta_0.shape))

    for t in range(T):     
      for i in range(n):
        y = labels[0,i]
        x = data[:,i]

        a =,theta)+theta_0
        #print("a = {}".format(a))
        positive = np.sign(y*a)

        if np.sign(y*a) <=0: # update the thetas
          theta[:,0] = theta[:,0]+ y*x
          theta_0 = theta_0 + y

    # print("shape x = {}, y = {}, theta = {}, theta_0 = {}".format(x.shape,y.shape,theta.shape,theta_0.shape))
    return (theta,np.expand_dims(theta_0,axis=0))

#Visualization of perceptron, comment in the next three lines to see your perceptron code in action:
for datafn in (super_simple_separable_through_origin,super_simple_separable):
   data, labels = datafn()

#Test Cases:

Averaged Perceptron是Perceptron演算法的變體。
和原始的Perceptron演算法不同,Averaged Perceptron在更新權重的同時還會保留之前的權重平均值。

Averaged Perceptron的主要思路是,每次迭代時先對權重進行更新,然後再把當前權重加到過去權重的總和上。

def averaged_perceptron(data, labels, params={}, hook=None):
    # if T not in params, default to 100
    T = params.get('T', 100)
    d, n = data.shape
    theta = np.zeros((d,1))
    theta_s = np.zeros((d,1))
    theta_0 = np.zeros(1)
    theta_0_s = np.zeros(1)

    for t in range(T):     
      for i in range(n):
        y = labels[0,i]
        x = data[:,i]

        if np.sign(y*(,theta)+theta_0)) <=0: # update the thetas

            theta[:,0] = theta[:,0]+ y*x
            theta_0 = theta_0 + y

        theta_s = theta_s + theta
        theta_0_s = theta_0_s + theta_0

    return theta_s/(n*T), theta_0_s/(n*T)

# Visualization of Averaged Perceptron:
for datafn in (super_simple_separable, xor, xor_more, big_higher_dim_separable):
   data, labels = datafn()

#Test Cases:

def eval_classifier(learner, data_train, labels_train, data_test, labels_test):
    th, th0 = learner(data=data_train, labels=labels_train)
    d, n = data_test.shape
    all_score = score(data_test, labels_test, th, th0)
    ans = all_score/n

    return ans

#Test cases:

def eval_learning_alg(learner, data_gen, n_train, n_test, it):
    score = 0
    for i in range(it):
        data_train, labels_train = data_gen(n_train)
        data_test, labels_test = data_gen(n_test) 
        #改寫Modify your eval_learning_alg so that it tests hypothesis on the training data instead of generating a new test data set.
        # score_i = eval_classifier(learner, data_train, labels_train, data_test, labels_test)
        score_i = eval_classifier(learner, data_train, labels_train, data_train, labels_train)

        # print("score_i = {}".format(score_i))

        score+= score_i

    return score/it

#Test cases:

def xval_learning_alg(learner, data, labels, k):
    s_data = np.array_split(data, k, axis=1)
    s_labels = np.array_split(labels, k, axis=1)

    score_sum = 0
    for i in range(k):
        data_train = np.concatenate(s_data[:i] + s_data[i+1:], axis=1)
        labels_train = np.concatenate(s_labels[:i] + s_labels[i+1:], axis=1)
        data_test = np.array(s_data[i])

        labels_test = np.array(s_labels[i])
        score_sum += eval_classifier(learner, data_train, labels_train,
                                              data_test, labels_test)
    return score_sum/k

#Test cases:

#For problem 10, here is an example of how to use gen_flipped_lin_separable, in this case with a flip probability of 50%
print(eval_learning_alg(perceptron, gen_flipped_lin_separable(pflip=0.25), 20, 20, 1000))