Pin-Jiun / Programming-Language-CPP

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15-STL Container stack and queue #19

Open Pin-Jiun opened 1 year ago

Pin-Jiun commented 1 year ago


LIFO stack image 相關function

vector<int> myvector (2,200);  
stack<vector<int> > fourth (myvector);

empty() size() top >> 沒有 front() back() push() pop()


FIFO queue image


  deque<int> mydeck (3,100);        // deque with 3 elements
  list<int> mylist (2,200);         // list with 2 elements

  queue<int> first;                 // empty queue
  queue<int> second (mydeck);       // queue initialized to copy of deque

  queue<int,list<int> > third; // empty queue with list as underlying container
  queue<int,list<int> > fourth (mylist);

empty() size() front() back() push() pop()