Pineapples / sh-boardgame

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adding player through testdashboard results in fail #30

Open ThyHG opened 5 years ago

ThyHG commented 5 years ago

terminal output:

fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.ExceptionHandlerMiddleware[1]
      An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request.
SecretHitler.Models.Exceptions.EntityNotFoundException`1[SecretHitler.Models.Entities.Game]: An entity of type SecretHitler.Models.Entities.Game with id: 0 was not found.
   at SecretHitler.API.DataServices.GameDataService.GetGame(Int32 gameId) in /Users/jon/dev/secrethitler/sh-boardgame/SecretHitler.API/DataServices/GameDataService.cs:line 32

although the player does seem to be added?