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feat(pingcap/tidb-tools): add prow style job with jenkins runner #2993

Closed wuhuizuo closed 2 weeks ago

wuhuizuo commented 2 weeks ago

Signed-off-by: wuhuizuo

ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

I have already done a preliminary review for you, and I hope to help you do a better job.

This pull request is introducing a new Jenkins CI job for the 'tidb-tools' project. Here are the key changes:

  1. A new Jenkins runner job has been added in the file jobs/pingcap/tidb-tools/latest/pull_verify.groovy, which will trigger the pipeline defined in pipelines/pingcap/tidb-tools/latest/pull_verify.groovy when invoked.

  2. The pipeline in pipelines/pingcap/tidb-tools/latest/pull_verify.groovy includes several stages like 'Debug info', 'Checkout', 'Build', 'Unit Test', and 'Integration Test'.

  3. A new pod configuration file is added in pipelines/pingcap/tidb-tools/latest/pod-pull_verify.yaml, which describes the containers used for the Jenkins job.

  4. A new owner alias sig-approvers-tidb-tools has been defined in OWNERS_ALIASES.

  5. The owner alias is used in the new file pipelines/pingcap/tidb-tools/OWNERS.

  6. A presubmit job configuration is added in prow-jobs/pingcap/tidb-tools/presubmits.yaml.

Potential problems:

  1. The Jenkins job might fail if the scripts in the pipeline have any errors.

  2. The newly added owner alias might be invalid if the user Benjamin2037 does not exist or does not have the necessary permissions.

  3. The pod configuration might fail if the referenced container images are not available.

  4. In jobs/pingcap/tidb-tools/latest/pull_verify.groovy, the githubProjectUrl is set to, which seems inconsistent with the job and the context, which is for tidb-tools.

  5. In presubmits.yaml, the context under pingcap/docs seems to be a mistake, it should probably be pingcap/tidb-tools.

Fixing suggestions:

  1. Double-check the scripts and commands in the Jenkins pipeline to ensure that they are valid and will not cause any errors.

  2. Verify that the user Benjamin2037 exists and has the necessary permissions.

  3. Make sure the referenced container images in the pod configuration file are available.

  4. Correct the githubProjectUrl to

  5. Correct the context from pingcap/docs to pingcap/tidb-tools in presubmits.yaml.

ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

I have already done a preliminary review for you, and I hope to help you do a better job.

The key changes in this pull request are:

  1. Addition of a new approver Benjamin2037 for the tidb-tools project scope in the OWNERS_ALIASES file.

  2. Creation of a new Jenkins pipeline job named pingcap/tidb-tools/pull_verify in pull_verify.groovy. This job has parameters and properties like BUILD_ID, PROW_JOB_ID, JOB_SPEC, and the GitHub project URL. The definition section defines the source code management with Git and the branch to checkout from, which is main.

  3. Addition of sig-approvers-tidb-tools as approvers in the OWNERS file located in pipelines/pingcap/tidb-tools.

  4. Creation of a new Kubernetes pod specification in pod-pull_verify.yaml for the Jenkins runner, with a runner, a net-tool and a mysql container.

  5. Addition of a new Jenkins pipeline script in pull_verify.groovy located in pipelines/pingcap/tidb-tools/latest. This script includes environment configuration, stages for checkout, build, unit test, and integration test.

  6. Changes in kustomization.yaml to add a new yaml file pingcap/tidb-tools/presubmits.yaml.

  7. Creation of a new presubmit job configuration for the pingcap/docs repository in presubmits.yaml.

Potential problems:

  1. The Jenkins job is using a hardcoded branch main in its Git configuration. This could be a problem if the job needs to be run on different branches.

  2. All the containers in the pod have resource limits defined. However, there are no resource requests defined which could lead to pods not being scheduled if the Kubernetes cluster has resource quotas.

  3. The MySQL container is started without any password protection (MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD is set to 1), which could be a potential security issue.

  4. The pull_verify.groovy script contains hardcoded values (e.g., namespace, pod template file, etc.) that could be problematic if they need to be changed frequently or could be different in different environments.

  5. The new presubmit job pingcap/tidb-tools/pull_verify is only configured to run against master and release-\d+\.\d+$ branches. If there are other branches to be tested, they need to be added to the branches list.

Fixing suggestions:

  1. Consider parameterizing the branch name in the Jenkins job configuration.

  2. Define resource requests for the containers in the Kubernetes pod to ensure that the pods are scheduled properly.

  3. If possible, consider adding password protection for the MySQL container.

  4. Consider parameterizing the hardcoded values in the pull_verify.groovy script.

  5. If there are other branches to be tested, add them to the branches list in the pingcap/tidb-tools/pull_verify job configuration.

ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

I have already done a preliminary review for you, and I hope to help you do a better job.

This pull request is introducing a new pipeline job for pingcap/tidb-tools project. The pipeline job will be triggered by a pull request to the master branch or any release-\d+\.\d+$ type branch.

Key Changes:

  1. A new approver alias sig-approvers-tidb-tools is added which contains a user Benjamin2037 to approve the CI scope of tidb-tools project.
  2. A new Jenkins pipeline job pingcap/tidb-tools/pull_verify is added which is configured to run off the main branch of the repository.
  3. A new Kubernetes pod configuration is added which contains runner, net-tool and mysql containers.
  4. A new Jenkins pipeline script is added that includes stages for Debug info, Checkout, Build, Unit Test and Integration Test. The script uses a Kubernetes agent for execution.
  5. The kustomization.yaml file is updated to include the new presubmit yaml configuration.

Potential Problems:

  1. There is no user validation for the added approver alias Benjamin2037. Make sure this user has the right access to be an approver.
  2. The Jenkinsfile might be missing error handling and notifications for potential failures in the pipeline job.
  3. The MySQL container in the pod configuration is running with MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD set to 1 which is not a good security practice.
  4. The Jenkins pipeline script has hardcoded values such as namespace, repo name, etc. which might make the script less reusable.
  5. The added presubmit yaml configuration is under pingcap/docs which seems to be incorrect. It should be under pingcap/tidb-tools.

Fixing Suggestions:

  1. Validate the user Benjamin2037 has the correct access to be added as an approver.
  2. Add error handling and notifications in the Jenkins pipeline script to notify relevant parties in case of job failure.
  3. Use a secure way of handling MySQL credentials instead of allowing empty password.
  4. Make the Jenkins pipeline script configurable to increase its reusability.
  5. Update the presubmit yaml configuration to be under pingcap/tidb-tools instead of pingcap/docs.
ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

I have already done a preliminary review for you, and I hope to help you do a better job.

This pull request introduces a Jenkins pipeline for the project tidb-tools in the pingcap organization.

Here are the key changes:

  1. A new alias sig-approvers-tidb-tools is added in the OWNERS_ALIASES file, and user Benjamin2037 is added as an approver.

  2. A new Jenkins pipeline job pingcap/tidb-tools/pull_verify is created in jobs/pingcap/tidb-tools/latest/pull_verify.groovy. The pipeline job includes configurations for the Git repository, the branch to checkout, and the path to the Pipeline script.

  3. A new OWNERS file is created in pipelines/pingcap/tidb-tools/ directory to set the approvers for the pipeline scripts.

  4. A new Kubernetes pod specification file pod-pull_verify.yaml is added in pipelines/pingcap/tidb-tools/latest/. This file describes the pod to be used by the Jenkins pipeline.

  5. A new Jenkins Pipeline script pull_verify.groovy is added in pipelines/pingcap/tidb-tools/latest/. The script includes stages for checking out the repository, building, unit testing and integration testing.

  6. The kustomization.yaml in prow-jobs is updated with the new pipeline job configuration file presubmits.yaml in prow-jobs/pingcap/tidb-tools/.

Potential issues and suggestions:

  1. The Jenkins job is named pingcap/tidb-tools/pull_verify, but the context in the Prow job configuration is named wip-pull-verify. It's recommended to keep the names consistent.

  2. The new Prow job is set to optional: true. If the pipeline job is necessary for every pull request, this should be changed to false.

  3. The pipeline script pull_verify.groovy includes a Debug info stage that prints environment variables. Make sure that no sensitive information is exposed.

  4. The pipeline script pull_verify.groovy requires a Jenkins shared library tipipeline. Ensure that the library is available in your Jenkins environment.

  5. The pipeline script pull_verify.groovy uses a Docker image Make sure the image is accessible and up to date.

  6. The kustomization.yaml file has been modified. Ensure that the changes are compatible with the rest of the configuration.

  7. The timeout for the stages in the pipeline script pull_verify.groovy may need to be adjusted based on the actual situation.

  8. The pipeline script pull_verify.groovy includes a checkoutRefs step. Make sure the repository and branch are correct.

ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

I have already done a preliminary review for you, and I hope to help you do a better job.

The Pull Request (PR) is about adding a new Jenkins job named pingcap/tidb-tools/pull_verify for the pingcap/tidb-tools repository. The job is configured to run on a Kubernetes pod with three containers: runner, net-tool, and mysql. The PR also includes changes to the kustomization.yaml, which is used to manage Kubernetes resources.

Key Changes:

  1. Addition of a new approver (Benjamin2037) for the tidb-tools project in the OWNERS_ALIASES file.
  2. New Jenkins job (pingcap/tidb-tools/pull_verify) added with its configuration.
  3. The job is defined to run on a Kubernetes pod with three containers.
  4. The kustomization.yaml is updated to include the presubmits for the tidb-tools.

Potential Problems:

  1. The new Jenkins job is running on a Kubernetes pod, the resources allocated for each container may not be enough or may be too much depending on the workload. Resource allocation needs to be validated.
  2. The PR is not specifying the credentialsId in the prow.checkoutRefs method call, which might cause problems if the repository requires authentication.
  3. The Jenkins job is only triggered manually (always_run: false and optional: true), and only on master and release-* branches. This might not be desired depending on your CI strategy.
  4. If the approver (Benjamin2037) is not a valid GitHub username or doesn't have the necessary permissions, the job approval process might fail.

Fixing Suggestions:

  1. Validate resource consumption of the containers in the Kubernetes pod during job execution and adjust them if necessary.
  2. If the repository requires authentication, ensure to provide a valid credentialsId.
  3. Adjust the triggering conditions (always_run, optional, and branches) according to your CI strategy.
  4. Verify that Benjamin2037 is a valid GitHub username and has the necessary permissions to approve PRs.
ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

I have already done a preliminary review for you, and I hope to help you do a better job.

The pull request titled feat(pingcap/tidb-tools): add prow style job with jenkins runner is trying to add a Jenkins pipeline job for the tidb-tools repository.

The key changes are:

  1. The OWNERS_ALIASES file is updated to include a new approver alias for the tidb-tools CI scope.
  2. A new Jenkins pipeline job pingcap/tidb-tools/pull_verify is added. This job is configured to keep logs for 30 days, several environment variables are defined, and the Git repository for CI scripts is set.
  3. A new Kubernetes pod configuration file is added for the Jenkins pipeline job. This file describes the containers that will be used in the Jenkins pipeline. It includes a runner container based on CentOS 7 with Golang 1.21, a network multitool container, and a MySQL container.
  4. A new Groovy script is added for the Jenkins pipeline. It includes stages for displaying debug information, checking out the code, building the project for different architectures, and running unit tests.
  5. The kustomization.yaml file is updated to include the new Jenkins pipeline job for tidb-tools.

Potential problems:

  1. The Jenkins job is using a pipeline script from the main branch of the Git repository. If the script is modified in the repository, it may break the Jenkins job.
  2. The Jenkins job runs unit tests that connect to MySQL. If the MySQL container fails to start or the connection parameters are incorrect, the tests will fail.
  3. The pull request is signed off by a single contributor. If your project requires multiple reviewers or more rigorous review processes, this could be a problem.


  1. Consider parameterizing the branch for the pipeline script in the Jenkins job to allow testing changes to the script before merging.
  2. Add error handling or retries for the MySQL connection in the unit tests to mitigate potential issues with starting the MySQL container.
  3. Ensure that the pull request goes through the appropriate review processes for your project.
ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago


This pull-request has been approved by: purelind

The full list of commands accepted by this bot can be found here.

The pull request process is described here

Needs approval from an approver in each of these files: - ~~[OWNERS]( [purelind] Approvers can indicate their approval by writing `/approve` in a comment Approvers can cancel approval by writing `/approve cancel` in a comment
ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

[LGTM Timeline notifier]
