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feat(pingcap/tiflow): tiflow split release 8.2 jobs #3008

Closed purelind closed 1 week ago

purelind commented 1 week ago

User description

tiflow split release 8.2 jobs

PR Type

Enhancement, Tests


Changes walkthrough ๐Ÿ“

Relevant files
25 files
Create folder for `pingcap/tiflow` release 8.2 pipelines 

  • Created a new folder for pingcap/tiflow release 8.2 pipelines.
  • Added a description for the folder.
  • +3/-0     
    Define `ghpr_verify` pipeline job for release 8.2               

  • Defined a new pipeline job for ghpr_verify.
  • Configured GitHub project URL and SCM settings.
  • Added parameters and log rotation settings.
  • +37/-0   
    Define `pull_cdc_integration_kafka_test` pipeline job for release 8.2

  • Defined a new pipeline job for pull_cdc_integration_kafka_test.
  • Configured GitHub project URL and SCM settings.
  • Added parameters and log rotation settings.
  • +37/-0   
    Define `pull_cdc_integration_mysql_test` pipeline job for release 8.2

  • Defined a new pipeline job for pull_cdc_integration_mysql_test.
  • Configured GitHub project URL and SCM settings.
  • Added parameters and log rotation settings.
  • +37/-0   
    Define pull_cdc_integration_pulsar_test pipeline job for release 8.2

  • Defined a new pipeline job for pull_cdc_integration_pulsar_test.
  • Configured GitHub project URL and SCM settings.
  • Added parameters and log rotation settings.
  • +37/-0   
    Define pull_cdc_integration_storage_test pipeline job for release 8.2

  • Defined a new pipeline job for pull_cdc_integration_storage_test.
  • Configured GitHub project URL and SCM settings.
  • Added parameters and log rotation settings.
  • +37/-0   
    Define `pull_dm_compatibility_test` pipeline job for release 8.2

  • Defined a new pipeline job for pull_dm_compatibility_test.
  • Configured GitHub project URL and SCM settings.
  • Added parameters and log rotation settings.
  • +37/-0   
    Define `pull_dm_integration_test` pipeline job for release 8.2

  • Defined a new pipeline job for pull_dm_integration_test.
  • Configured GitHub project URL and SCM settings.
  • Added parameters and log rotation settings.
  • +37/-0   
    Define `pull_engine_integration_test` pipeline job for release 8.2

  • Defined a new pipeline job for pull_engine_integration_test.
  • Configured GitHub project URL and SCM settings.
  • Added parameters and log rotation settings.
  • +37/-0   
    Implement `ghpr_verify` pipeline script for release 8.2   

  • Implemented the ghpr_verify pipeline script.
  • Configured Kubernetes agent, environment variables, and stages.
  • Added stages for debug info, checkout, and tests.
  • +114/-0 
    Implement pull_cdc_integration_kafka_test pipeline script for release

  • Implemented the pull_cdc_integration_kafka_test pipeline script.
  • Configured Kubernetes agent, environment variables, and stages.
  • Added stages for debug info, checkout, preparation, and tests.
  • +186/-0 
    Implement pull_cdc_integration_mysql_test pipeline script for release

  • Implemented the pull_cdc_integration_mysql_test pipeline script.
  • Configured Kubernetes agent, environment variables, and stages.
  • Added stages for debug info, checkout, preparation, and tests.
  • +174/-0 
    Implement pull_cdc_integration_pulsar_test pipeline script for release

  • Implemented the pull_cdc_integration_pulsar_test pipeline script.
  • Configured Kubernetes agent, environment variables, and stages.
  • Added stages for debug info, checkout, preparation, and tests.
  • +169/-0 
    Implement pull_cdc_integration_storage_test pipeline script for
    release 8.2

  • Implemented the pull_cdc_integration_storage_test pipeline script.
  • Configured Kubernetes agent, environment variables, and stages.
  • Added stages for debug info, checkout, preparation, and tests.
  • +174/-0 
    Implement pull_dm_compatibility_test pipeline script for release 8.2

  • Implemented the pull_dm_compatibility_test pipeline script.
  • Configured Kubernetes agent, environment variables, and stages.
  • Added stages for debug info, checkout, preparation, and tests.
  • +155/-0 
    Implement `pull_dm_integration_test` pipeline script for release 8.2

  • Implemented the pull_dm_integration_test pipeline script.
  • Configured Kubernetes agent, environment variables, and stages.
  • Added stages for debug info, checkout, preparation, and tests.
  • +212/-0 
    Implement pull_engine_integration_test pipeline script for release 8.2

  • Implemented the pull_engine_integration_test pipeline script.
  • Configured Kubernetes agent, environment variables, and stages.
  • Added stages for debug info, checkout, preparation, and tests.
  • +220/-0 
    Define Kubernetes pod template for `ghpr_verify`                 

  • Defined Kubernetes pod template for ghpr_verify.
  • Configured containers and volume mounts.
  • Set resource limits and requests.
  • +44/-0   
    Define Kubernetes pod template for `pull_cdc_integration_kafka_test`

  • Defined Kubernetes pod template for pull_cdc_integration_kafka_test.
  • Configured containers and volume mounts.
  • Set resource limits and requests.
  • +160/-0 
    Define Kubernetes pod template for `pull_cdc_integration_mysql_test`

  • Defined Kubernetes pod template for pull_cdc_integration_mysql_test.
  • Configured containers and volume mounts.
  • Set resource limits and requests.
  • +32/-0   
    Define Kubernetes pod template for `pull_cdc_integration_pulsar_test`

  • Defined Kubernetes pod template for pull_cdc_integration_pulsar_test.
  • Configured containers and volume mounts.
  • Set resource limits and requests.
  • +32/-0   
    Define Kubernetes pod template for pull_cdc_integration_storage_test

  • Defined Kubernetes pod template for pull_cdc_integration_storage_test.
  • Configured containers and volume mounts.
  • Set resource limits and requests.
  • +32/-0   
    Define Kubernetes pod template for `pull_dm_compatibility_test`

  • Defined Kubernetes pod template for pull_dm_compatibility_test.
  • Configured containers and volume mounts.
  • Set resource limits and requests.
  • +70/-0   
    Define Kubernetes pod template for `pull_dm_integration_test`

  • Defined Kubernetes pod template for pull_dm_integration_test.
  • Configured containers and volume mounts.
  • Set resource limits and requests.
  • +70/-0   
    Define Kubernetes pod template for `pull_engine_integration_test`

  • Defined Kubernetes pod template for pull_engine_integration_test.
  • Configured containers and volume mounts.
  • Set resource limits and requests.
  • +80/-0   
    Configuration changes
    2 files
    Update kustomization to include release 8.2 presubmits     

    prow-jobs/kustomization.yaml - Added new entry for `release-8.2-presubmits.yaml`.
    Define presubmits for `pingcap/tiflow` release 8.2             

  • Defined presubmits for pingcap/tiflow release 8.2.
  • Configured triggers, contexts, and branches.
  • +97/-0   

    ๐Ÿ’ก PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

    I Skip it since the diff size(106108 bytes > 80000 bytes) is too large

    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 1 week ago

    PR-Agent was enabled for this repository. To continue using it, please link your git user with your CodiumAI identity here.

    PR Reviewer Guide ๐Ÿ”

    โฑ๏ธ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 4
    ๐Ÿงช Relevant tests Yes
    ๐Ÿ”’ Security concerns No
    โšก Key issues to review Possible Bug:
    The PR introduces multiple Jenkins pipeline configurations and scripts for various integration tests. It is crucial to ensure that these scripts handle error cases gracefully and clean up resources even when tests fail. This is particularly important in environments like Kubernetes where resources can be limited and expensive.
    Performance Concern:
    The configurations specify resource limits and requests for containers in Kubernetes. It's important to validate that these settings are appropriate for the expected workload. Over-provisioning can lead to wasted resources, while under-provisioning can cause poor performance and timeouts.
    Hardcoded Values:
    There are several hardcoded values within the scripts (e.g., memory and CPU limits, specific version tags for Docker images). These should ideally be parameterized to make the pipelines more flexible and easier to update.
    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 1 week ago

    PR-Agent was enabled for this repository. To continue using it, please link your git user with your CodiumAI identity here.

    PR Code Suggestions โœจ

    CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
    Best practice
    Ensure that logs are always collected after the tests, even if they are successful ___ **Add a post block to the stage('Tests') section to ensure that logs are always collected,
    even if the tests are successful.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_cdc_integration_pulsar_test.groovy [123-163]]( ```diff stage('Tests') { when { expression { !skipRemainingStages} } matrix { axes { axis { name 'TEST_GROUP' values 'G00', 'G01', 'G02', 'G03', 'G04', 'G05', 'G06', 'G07', 'G08', 'G09', 'G10', 'G11', 'G12', 'G13', 'G14', 'G15', 'G16', 'G17' } } agent{ kubernetes { namespace K8S_NAMESPACE yamlFile POD_TEMPLATE_FILE defaultContainer 'golang' } } stages { stage("Test") { options { timeout(time: 40, unit: 'MINUTES') } steps { dir('tiflow') { cache(path: "./", includes: '**/*', key: "ws/${BUILD_TAG}/tiflow-cdc") { sh label: "${TEST_GROUP}", script: """ rm -rf /tmp/tidb_cdc_test && mkdir -p /tmp/tidb_cdc_test chmod +x ./tests/integration_tests/ ./tests/integration_tests/ pulsar ${TEST_GROUP} """ } } } post { - failure { + always { sh label: "collect logs", script: """ ls /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/ tar -cvzf log-${TEST_GROUP}.tar.gz \$(find /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/ -type f -name "*.log") ls -alh log-${TEST_GROUP}.tar.gz """ archiveArtifacts artifacts: "log-${TEST_GROUP}.tar.gz", fingerprint: true } } } } } } ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Modifying the `post` block to collect logs regardless of test success or failure is crucial for debugging and should be implemented to capture all possible outcomes.
    Prevent multiple instances of the job from running simultaneously ___ **Add a disableConcurrentBuilds property to prevent multiple instances of the job from
    running simultaneously, which can help avoid potential conflicts and resource contention.** [jobs/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_cdc_integration_storage_test.groovy [15-36]]( ```diff +disableConcurrentBuilds() definition { cpsScm { lightweight(true) scriptPath("pipelines/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_cdc_integration_storage_test.groovy") scm { git{ remote { url('') } branch('main') extensions { cloneOptions { depth(1) shallow(true) timeout(5) } } } } } } ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Adding `disableConcurrentBuilds()` is crucial for avoiding conflicts and resource contention, making it a significant improvement in job configuration.
    Add a post block to the Checkout stage to handle failures ___ **Add a post block to the Checkout stage to handle potential failures and ensure proper
    cleanup or notifications.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_engine_integration_test.groovy [70-83]]( ```diff stage('Checkout') { when { expression { !skipRemainingStages} } options { timeout(time: 10, unit: 'MINUTES') } steps { dir("tiflow") { cache(path: "./", includes: '**/*', key: prow.getCacheKey('git', REFS), restoreKeys: prow.getRestoreKeys('git', REFS)) { retry(2) { script { prow.checkoutRefs(REFS) } } } } } + post { + failure { + echo "Checkout stage failed" + // Add any cleanup or notification logic here + } + } } ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Adding a `post` block for handling failures in the `Checkout` stage is a good practice for better error handling and cleanup, making the pipeline more robust.
    Add a post block to the prepare stage to handle failures ___ **Add a post block to the prepare stage to handle potential failures and ensure proper
    cleanup or notifications.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_dm_integration_test.groovy [83-129]]( ```diff stage("prepare") { when { expression { !skipRemainingStages} } options { timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') } steps { dir("third_party_download") { retry(2) { sh label: "download third_party", script: """ cd ../tiflow && ./dm/tests/ ${REFS.base_ref} && ls -alh ./bin cd - && mkdir -p bin && mv ../tiflow/bin/* ./bin/ ls -alh ./bin ./bin/tidb-server -V ./bin/pd-server -V ./bin/tikv-server -V """ } } dir("tiflow") { cache(path: "./bin", includes: '**/*', key: prow.getCacheKey('binary', REFS, 'dm-integration-test')) { // build dm-master.test for integration test // only build binarys if not exist, use the cached binarys if exist // TODO: how to update cached binarys if needed sh label: "prepare", script: """ if [[ ! -f "bin/dm-master.test" || ! -f "bin/dm-test-tools/check_master_online" || ! -f "bin/dm-test-tools/check_worker_online" ]]; then echo "Building binaries..." make dm_integration_test_build mkdir -p bin/dm-test-tools && cp -r ./dm/tests/bin/* ./bin/dm-test-tools else echo "Binaries already exist, skipping build..." fi ls -alh ./bin ls -alh ./bin/dm-test-tools which ./bin/dm-master.test which ./bin/dm-syncer.test which ./bin/dm-worker.test which ./bin/dmctl.test which ./bin/dm-test-tools/check_master_online which ./bin/dm-test-tools/check_worker_online """ } cache(path: "./", includes: '**/*', key: "ws/${BUILD_TAG}/tiflow-dm") { sh label: "prepare", script: """ cp -r ../third_party_download/bin/* ./bin/ ls -alh ./bin ls -alh ./bin/dm-test-tools """ } } } + post { + failure { + echo "Prepare stage failed" + // Add any cleanup or notification logic here + } + } } ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Implementing a `post` block in the `prepare` stage for handling failures is a good practice, enhancing the robustness of the pipeline by ensuring proper cleanup and notifications on errors.
    Add a post block to handle cleanup tasks after the pipeline execution ___ **Consider adding a post block to the pipeline section to handle cleanup tasks, such as
    deleting temporary files or directories, regardless of the build result.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_cdc_integration_pulsar_test.groovy [14-45]]( ```diff pipeline { agent { kubernetes { namespace K8S_NAMESPACE yamlFile POD_TEMPLATE_FILE defaultContainer 'golang' } } environment { FILE_SERVER_URL = '' } options { timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES') parallelsAlwaysFailFast() } stages { stage('Debug info') { steps { sh label: 'Debug info', script: """ printenv echo "-------------------------" go env echo "-------------------------" echo "debug command: kubectl -n ${K8S_NAMESPACE} exec -ti ${NODE_NAME} bash" """ container(name: 'net-tool') { sh 'dig' script { prow.setPRDescription(REFS) } } } } + } + post { + always { + sh 'rm -rf /tmp/tidb_cdc_test' + } + } +} ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Adding a `post` block for cleanup is a good practice to ensure no resources are left hanging, which can improve the maintainability of the pipeline.
    Add a post block to ensure cleanup of temporary files after the pipeline execution ___ **Add a post block to the pipeline section to ensure that temporary files or directories are
    cleaned up after the build, regardless of the result.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_dm_compatibility_test.groovy [14-45]]( ```diff pipeline { agent { kubernetes { namespace K8S_NAMESPACE yamlFile POD_TEMPLATE_FILE defaultContainer 'golang' } } environment { FILE_SERVER_URL = '' } options { timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES') parallelsAlwaysFailFast() } stages { stage('Debug info') { steps { sh label: 'Debug info', script: """ printenv echo "-------------------------" go env echo "-------------------------" echo "debug command: kubectl -n ${K8S_NAMESPACE} exec -ti ${NODE_NAME} -c golang -- bash" """ container(name: 'net-tool') { sh 'dig' script { prow.setPRDescription(REFS) } } } } + } + post { + always { + sh 'rm -rf /tmp/dm_test' + } + } +} ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Similar to the first suggestion, adding a `post` block for cleanup in this pipeline script is beneficial for resource management and is a good practice.
    Use a variable for the path to the tiflow directory to avoid hardcoding paths ___ **To avoid potential issues with hardcoded paths, consider using a variable for the path to
    the tiflow directory. This will make the script more flexible and easier to update.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_cdc_integration_mysql_test.groovy [70-77]]( ```diff -dir("tiflow") { +def tiflowDir = "tiflow" + +dir(tiflowDir) { cache(path: "./", includes: '**/*', key: prow.getCacheKey('git', REFS), restoreKeys: prow.getRestoreKeys('git', REFS)) { retry(2) { script { prow.checkoutRefs(REFS) } } } } ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Using a variable for directory paths enhances flexibility and maintainability, although this is a minor improvement.
    Possible issue
    Add a catch block to handle exceptions during the prow.checkoutRefs call for better error handling ___ **To improve error handling, consider adding a catch block to handle exceptions that may
    occur during the prow.checkoutRefs call. This will provide more informative error messages
    and help with debugging.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_cdc_integration_kafka_test.groovy [72-76]]( ```diff retry(2) { script { - prow.checkoutRefs(REFS) + try { + prow.checkoutRefs(REFS) + } catch (Exception e) { + error "Failed to checkout refs: ${e.message}" + } } } ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Adding error handling around critical operations like `prow.checkoutRefs` is crucial for robustness and easier debugging.
    Extract repeated cache block into a reusable function to reduce code duplication ___ **To improve readability and maintainability, consider extracting the repeated cache block
    into a reusable function. This will reduce code duplication and make future updates
    easier.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_cdc_integration_kafka_test.groovy [71-77]]( ```diff -cache(path: "./", includes: '**/*', key: prow.getCacheKey('git', REFS), restoreKeys: prow.getRestoreKeys('git', REFS)) { - retry(2) { - script { - prow.checkoutRefs(REFS) +def cacheAndCheckout(path, includes, key, restoreKeys, refs) { + cache(path: path, includes: includes, key: key, restoreKeys: restoreKeys) { + retry(2) { + script { + prow.checkoutRefs(refs) + } } } } +cacheAndCheckout("./", '**/*', prow.getCacheKey('git', REFS), prow.getRestoreKeys('git', REFS), REFS) + ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: The suggestion correctly identifies code duplication in caching logic and proposes a reusable function, improving maintainability.
    Extract the repeated Docker login command into a reusable function ___ **To improve readability and maintainability, extract the repeated Docker login command into
    a reusable function.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_dm_integration_test.groovy [208]]( ```diff -echo "$HARBOR_CRED_PSW" | docker login -u $HARBOR_CRED_USR --password-stdin +def dockerLogin() { + sh """ + echo "$HARBOR_CRED_PSW" | docker login -u $HARBOR_CRED_USR --password-stdin + """ +} +... +dockerLogin() ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Extracting the Docker login command into a reusable function improves maintainability and reduces code duplication, which is beneficial for long-term code management.
    Use a loop to define TEST_GROUP values to enhance readability and maintainability ___ **To enhance the readability and maintainability of the script, consider using a loop to
    define the TEST_GROUP values instead of listing them individually.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_cdc_integration_storage_test.groovy [130-131]]( ```diff -values 'G00', 'G01', 'G02', 'G03', 'G04', 'G05', 'G06', 'G07', 'G08', 'G09', 'G10', 'G11', 'G12', 'G13', 'G14', 'G15', 'G16', 'G17' +values (0..17).collect { "G${String.format('%02d', it)}" } ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: The suggestion to use a loop for defining `TEST_GROUP` values simplifies the code and enhances readability, which is a good practice.
    Add a property to discard old builds based on the number of builds ___ **Consider adding a discardOldBuilds property to the logRotator block to ensure that old
    builds are properly discarded based on the number of builds as well as the number of days.** [jobs/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_cdc_integration_storage_test.groovy [3-5]]( ```diff logRotator { daysToKeep(30) + numToKeep(10) } ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Adding a `numToKeep` property to the `logRotator` block is a valid enhancement for better build management, though not critical.
    Add a trigger to periodically poll the SCM for changes ___ **Add a pollSCM trigger to periodically check for changes in the repository, ensuring the
    job is triggered automatically when there are updates.** [jobs/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_cdc_integration_storage_test.groovy [12-14]]( ```diff properties { githubProjectUrl("") } +triggers { + pollSCM('H/15 * * * *') +} ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Adding a `pollSCM` trigger is a useful feature for automation, enhancing the job to automatically check for repository updates.
    Add a property to retry the checkout operation in case of transient errors ___ **Include a checkoutRetryCount property in the git block to specify the number of retry
    attempts for the checkout operation, improving robustness in case of transient errors.** [jobs/pingcap/tiflow/release-8.2/pull_cdc_integration_storage_test.groovy [21-34]]( ```diff git{ remote { url('') } branch('main') + checkoutRetryCount(3) extensions { cloneOptions { depth(1) shallow(true) timeout(5) } } } ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Including a `checkoutRetryCount` in the `git` block improves robustness by handling transient errors during checkout, which is a practical enhancement.
    ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago


    This pull-request has been approved by: wuhuizuo

    The full list of commands accepted by this bot can be found here.

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    Needs approval from an approver in each of these files: - ~~[jobs/OWNERS]( [wuhuizuo] - ~~[pipelines/OWNERS]( [wuhuizuo] - ~~[prow-jobs/OWNERS]( [wuhuizuo] Approvers can indicate their approval by writing `/approve` in a comment Approvers can cancel approval by writing `/approve cancel` in a comment
    ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

    [LGTM Timeline notifier]
