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feat: tiflash and tikv split release 8.2 jobs #3009

Closed purelind closed 1 week ago

purelind commented 1 week ago

User description

tiflash and tikv split release 8.2 jobs

PR Type

Enhancement, Tests


Changes walkthrough πŸ“

Relevant files
8 files
Create folder for TiFlash release 8.2 pipelines                   

  • Created a new folder for pingcap/tiflash release 8.2 pipelines.
  • Added a description for the folder.
  • +3/-0     
    Add integration test pipeline for TiFlash release 8.2       

  • Added a new pipeline job for TiFlash release 8.2 integration tests.
  • Configured job parameters, properties, and SCM details.
  • +39/-0   
    Add unit test pipeline for TiFlash release 8.2                     

  • Added a new pipeline job for TiFlash release 8.2 unit tests.
  • Configured job parameters, properties, and SCM details.
  • +39/-0   
    Create folder for TiKV release 8.2 pipelines                         

  • Created a new folder for tikv/tikv release 8.2 pipelines.
  • Added a description for the folder.
  • +3/-0     
    Add unit test pipeline for TiKV release 8.2                           

  • Added a new pipeline job for TiKV release 8.2 unit tests.
  • Configured job parameters, properties, and SCM details.
  • +39/-0   
    Define Jenkins pipeline for TiFlash integration tests       

  • Defined a Jenkins pipeline for TiFlash integration tests.
  • Configured stages for debug info, checkout, cache preparation, build,
    and integration tests.
  • +394/-0 
    Define Jenkins pipeline for TiFlash unit tests                     

  • Defined a Jenkins pipeline for TiFlash unit tests.
  • Configured stages for debug info, checkout, cache preparation, build,
    and unit tests.
  • +325/-0 
    Define Jenkins pipeline for TiKV unit tests                           

  • Defined a Jenkins pipeline for TiKV unit tests.
  • Configured stages for debug info, checkout, lint, build, and tests.
  • +203/-0 
    Configuration changes
    7 files
    Define Kubernetes pod template for TiFlash build jobs       

  • Defined a Kubernetes pod template for TiFlash build jobs.
  • Configured container specifications and volume mounts.
  • +135/-0 
    Define Kubernetes pod template for TiFlash integration test jobs

  • Defined a Kubernetes pod template for TiFlash integration test jobs.
  • Configured container specifications and volume mounts.
  • +92/-0   
    Define Kubernetes pod template for TiFlash unit test jobs

  • Defined a Kubernetes pod template for TiFlash unit test jobs.
  • Configured container specifications and volume mounts.
  • +131/-0 
    Define Kubernetes pod template for TiKV unit test jobs     

  • Defined a Kubernetes pod template for TiKV unit test jobs.
  • Configured container specifications and volume mounts.
  • +52/-0   
    Update kustomization for TiFlash and TiKV release 8.2 presubmits

  • Updated kustomization to include new presubmit jobs for TiFlash and
    TiKV release 8.2.
  • +42/-40 
    Add presubmit job configurations for TiFlash release 8.2 

    prow-jobs/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2-presubmits.yaml - Added presubmit job configurations for TiFlash release 8.2.
    Add presubmit job configurations for TiKV release 8.2       

    prow-jobs/tikv/tikv/release-8.2-presubmits.yaml - Added presubmit job configurations for TiKV release 8.2.

    πŸ’‘ PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

    I have already done a preliminary review for you, and I hope to help you do a better job.

    The pull request title suggests that this is a feature to split the release jobs for TiFlash and TiKV 8.2.

    Key Changes:

    1. Addition of new groovy scripts for the CI/CD jobs related to TiFlash and TiKV 8.2 release.
    2. New yaml files that define the pod configurations for the Kubernetes jobs related to the release.
    3. The scripts and yaml files are organized under the directory structure jobs/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2 and jobs/tikv/tikv/release-8.2.
    4. Addition of new presubmits for both TiFlash and TiKV 8.2 release in prow-jobs/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2-presubmits.yaml and prow-jobs/tikv/tikv/release-8.2-presubmits.yaml.

    Potential Problems:

    1. There are placeholders in the groovy scripts like <your-jenkins-server> which need to be replaced with actual values.
    2. Make sure the directory paths mentioned in the scripts and yaml files exist and have the correct permissions.
    3. Ensure that the new presubmits do not conflict with any existing presubmits.


    1. Replace placeholders with actual values.
    2. Check the directory paths and their permissions.
    3. Validate the new presubmits configuration against the existing configuration to avoid conflicts.
    4. Test these scripts and configuration in a controlled environment before merging.
    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 1 week ago

    PR-Agent was enabled for this repository. To continue using it, please link your git user with your CodiumAI identity here.

    PR Reviewer Guide πŸ”

    ⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 4
    πŸ§ͺ Relevant tests Yes
    πŸ”’ Security concerns No
    ⚑ Key issues to review Possible Bug:
    The PR introduces a significant amount of new Jenkins pipeline code across multiple files. Each pipeline script involves complex configurations, including environment setups, caching mechanisms, and parallel execution steps. Reviewers should ensure that the logic for handling dependencies, caching, and parallel execution is correctly implemented to avoid potential build and test failures.
    Performance Concerns:
    The new Jenkins jobs include configurations for resource allocation (e.g., CPU, memory) that are quite high. It's crucial to validate that these resource allocations are justified based on the actual needs of the build and test processes to optimize cost and efficiency.
    Code Duplication:
    There appears to be a considerable amount of repeated code across different pipeline scripts, especially in the setup and caching configurations. It might be beneficial to refactor these into shared libraries or templates to reduce duplication and simplify maintenance.
    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 1 week ago

    PR-Agent was enabled for this repository. To continue using it, please link your git user with your CodiumAI identity here.

    PR Code Suggestions ✨

    CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
    Add a security context to the runner container to enhance security by dropping all capabilities and running as a non-root user ___ **Add a securityContext to the runner container to drop all capabilities and run as a
    non-root user, enhancing the security of the container.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2/pod-pull_build.yaml [6-13]]( ```diff containers: - name: runner image: "" command: - "/bin/bash" - "-c" - "cat" + securityContext: + runAsUser: 1000 + runAsGroup: 3000 + capabilities: + drop: ["ALL"] ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 10 Why: Adding a security context as suggested would significantly enhance the security posture of the container by enforcing least privilege, which is a critical best practice in container security.
    Possible issue
    Add a condition to check if the JOB_SPEC parameter is provided before reading it ___ **Consider adding a condition to check if the JOB_SPEC parameter is provided before
    attempting to read it. This will prevent potential runtime errors if the parameter is
    missing.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2/pull_integration_test.groovy [11]]( ```diff -final REFS = readJSON(text: params.JOB_SPEC).refs +final REFS = params.JOB_SPEC ? readJSON(text: params.JOB_SPEC).refs : null ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Adding a null check before reading the `JOB_SPEC` parameter can prevent runtime errors due to missing parameters, which is crucial for robustness.
    Ensure proxy_commit_hash is not null before using it in the Prepare Cache stage ___ **Add a check to ensure that proxy_commit_hash is not null before using it in the Prepare
    Cache stage to avoid potential null pointer exceptions.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2/pull_integration_test.groovy [128]]( ```diff -proxy_cache_ready = fileExists("/home/jenkins/agent/proxy-cache/${proxy_commit_hash}-amd64-linux-llvm") +proxy_cache_ready = proxy_commit_hash ? fileExists("/home/jenkins/agent/proxy-cache/${proxy_commit_hash}-amd64-linux-llvm") : false ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Checking for null before using `proxy_commit_hash` prevents potential null pointer exceptions, which is critical for the stability of the script.
    Add safety checks to ensure sh commands are executed in the correct directory ___ **The sh commands in the "Checkout" stage that remove all files and directories (rm -rf ./*)
    and change ownership (chown 1000:1000 -R ./) could potentially cause issues if they are
    executed in the wrong directory. Consider adding a safety check to ensure the commands are
    executed in the correct directory.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2/pull_unit_test.groovy [64-88]]( ```diff -sh "rm -rf ./*" +sh """ +if [ "\$(pwd)" == "${WORKSPACE}/tiflash" ]; then + rm -rf ./* +else + echo "Not in the expected directory. Aborting." + exit 1 +fi +""" ... sh """ -chown 1000:1000 -R ./ +if [ "\$(pwd)" == "${WORKSPACE}/tiflash" ]; then + chown 1000:1000 -R ./ +else + echo "Not in the expected directory. Aborting." + exit 1 +fi """ ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Adding safety checks before executing potentially destructive commands like `rm -rf` and `chown` is crucial to prevent accidental data loss or permission issues, especially in a CI/CD pipeline where such mistakes can be costly.
    Remove the unnecessary tty field from the runner container configuration ___ **The tty field is set to true for the runner container, but the command is set to cat,
    which might not require a TTY. Consider removing the tty field if it's not necessary.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2/pod-pull_unit-test.yaml [7-9]]( ```diff command: - "cat" -tty: true ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: The suggestion correctly identifies an unnecessary `tty` setting for a container running a simple 'cat' command, which can enhance the configuration's clarity and correctness.
    Enable tty for the dockerd container to support interactive commands ___ **Consider setting tty to true for the dockerd container to ensure it can handle interactive
    commands if needed.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2/pod-pull_integration_test.yaml [17]]( ```diff -tty: false +tty: true ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Changing `tty` to true can enhance the interactivity of the container, which might be beneficial depending on the use case. This is a valid suggestion but not critical.
    Best practice
    Add error handling for the ks3util command to provide informative error messages if it fails ___ **Add error handling for the ks3util command to provide more informative error messages in
    case the command fails.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2/pull_integration_test.groovy [62]]( ```diff -sh "ks3util -c \$KS3UTIL_CONF cp -f ks3://ee-fileserver/download/cicd/daily-cache-code/src-tiflash.tar.gz src-tiflash.tar.gz" +sh """ +if ! ks3util -c \$KS3UTIL_CONF cp -f ks3://ee-fileserver/download/cicd/daily-cache-code/src-tiflash.tar.gz src-tiflash.tar.gz; then + echo "Failed to download src-tiflash.tar.gz from ks3" + exit 1 +fi +""" ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Adding error handling for the `ks3util` command enhances the script's reliability by providing clear feedback on failures, improving maintainability.
    Add a readiness probe to the docker container to ensure it is ready before accepting traffic ___ **Add a readinessProbe to the docker container to ensure it is ready before accepting
    traffic.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2/pod-pull_integration_test.yaml [35]]( ```diff name: "docker" +readinessProbe: + httpGet: + path: /healthz + port: 2375 + initialDelaySeconds: 5 + periodSeconds: 10 ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Adding a readiness probe is a best practice to ensure the container is fully ready before it starts serving traffic, enhancing the reliability of the deployment.
    Add a timeout to the sh step in the Debug info stage to prevent it from hanging indefinitely ___ **Add a timeout to the sh step in the Debug info stage to prevent it from hanging
    indefinitely.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2/pull_integration_test.groovy [37-43]]( ```diff sh label: 'Debug info', script: """ printenv echo "-------------------------" go env echo "-------------------------" echo "debug command: kubectl -n ${K8S_NAMESPACE} exec -ti ${NODE_NAME} bash" -""" +""", timeout: 5 ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Implementing a timeout is a good practice to avoid indefinite hangs, but it's a relatively minor improvement in the context of the entire script.
    Add a liveness probe to the dockerd container to ensure it is restarted if it becomes unresponsive ___ **Add a livenessProbe to the dockerd container to automatically restart it if it becomes
    unresponsive.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2/pod-pull_integration_test.yaml [7]]( ```diff name: "dockerd" +livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - cat + - /tmp/healthy + initialDelaySeconds: 15 + periodSeconds: 20 ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Implementing a liveness probe is crucial for automatically handling cases where the container becomes unresponsive, thus improving the overall reliability.
    Optimize the sh command to extract the ccache tar file directly from the source path ___ **The sh command in the "Prepare Cache" stage that copies the ccache tar file could be
    optimized by using tar -xf directly from the source path to avoid unnecessary cp and cd
    commands.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2/pull_unit_test.groovy [105-106]]( ```diff -cp -r \$ccache_tar_file ccache.tar -tar -xf ccache.tar +tar -xf \$ccache_tar_file -C /tmp ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: This suggestion improves performance by reducing unnecessary file operations. Direct extraction using `tar` is more efficient and reduces the risk of intermediate errors.
    Optimize the sh command to move the tikv directory and create a symbolic link without changing directories ___ **The sh command in the "Checkout" stage that moves the tikv directory and creates a
    symbolic link could be optimized by using mv and ln commands directly without changing
    directories.** [pipelines/tikv/tikv/release-8.2/pull_unit_test.groovy [69-71]]( ```diff mv ./tikv \$HOME/tikv-src -cd \$HOME/tikv-src ln -s \$HOME/tikv-target \$HOME/tikv-src/target ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: The suggestion correctly identifies an unnecessary directory change, which simplifies the script slightly. However, the impact on performance or maintainability is minimal, hence the moderate score.
    Combine the two cargo nextest run commands into a single command with multiple partitions ___ **The sh command in the "Test" stage that runs cargo nextest run twice could be optimized by
    combining the two runs into a single command with multiple partitions.** [pipelines/tikv/tikv/release-8.2/pull_unit_test.groovy [174-187]]( ```diff -if cargo nextest run -P ci --binaries-metadata test-binaries.json --cargo-metadata test-metadata.json --partition count:1/2 ${EXTRA_NEXTEST_ARGS}; then - echo "test pass" -else - gdb -c core.* -batch -ex "info threads" -ex "thread apply all bt" - exit 1 -fi -if cargo nextest run -P ci --binaries-metadata test-binaries.json --cargo-metadata test-metadata.json --partition count:2/2 ${EXTRA_NEXTEST_ARGS}; then +if cargo nextest run -P ci --binaries-metadata test-binaries.json --cargo-metadata test-metadata.json --partition count:1/2 ${EXTRA_NEXTEST_ARGS} && \ + cargo nextest run -P ci --binaries-metadata test-binaries.json --cargo-metadata test-metadata.json --partition count:2/2 ${EXTRA_NEXTEST_ARGS}; then echo "test pass" else gdb -c core.* -batch -ex "info threads" -ex "thread apply all bt" exit 1 fi ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 5 Why: While the suggestion to combine the commands could streamline the script, it does not account for the need to handle failures between test partitions distinctly, which might be intentional for debugging or logging purposes.
    Uncomment the priority property if prioritization is needed for the job ___ **The priority property is commented out. If prioritization is needed, uncomment and set the
    appropriate priority level. Otherwise, remove the commented line to keep the code clean.** [jobs/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2/pull_integration_test.groovy [14]]( ```diff -// priority(0) // 0 fast than 1 +priority(0) // 0 fast than 1 ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: The suggestion correctly identifies a commented-out configuration line that could be activated for functionality or removed for cleanliness, thus improving the maintainability of the code.
    Use a ConfigMap for the DOCKER_HOST environment variable to manage configurations more effectively ___ **Consider using a ConfigMap for the environment variable DOCKER_HOST to manage
    configurations more effectively.** [pipelines/pingcap/tiflash/release-8.2/pod-pull_integration_test.yaml [31-32]]( ```diff - name: "DOCKER_HOST" -value: "tcp://localhost:2375" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + name: docker-config + key: DOCKER_HOST ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Using a ConfigMap for environment variables enhances maintainability and flexibility in configuration management, though it's not critical for functionality.
    ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

    [LGTM Timeline notifier]


    ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

    New changes are detected. LGTM label has been removed.

    ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

    I have already done a preliminary review for you, and I hope to help you do a better job.

    This Pull Request introduces enhancements and tests by splitting the release 8.2 jobs for TiFlash and TiKV in the PingCAP QE CI.

    Key changes include:

    1. Creation of new folders and pipeline jobs for the respective TiFlash and TiKV release 8.2.
    2. Definition of Jenkins pipelines for TiFlash and TiKV integration and unit tests.
    3. Addition of Kubernetes pod templates for TiFlash and TiKV jobs.
    4. Update of kustomization to include new presubmit jobs for TiFlash and TiKV release 8.2.
    5. Addition of presubmit job configurations for TiFlash and TiKV release 8.2.

    Potential issues:

    1. There are no apparent issues with the PR. However, it's crucial to ensure the new pipeline jobs, Kubernetes pod templates, and presubmit job configurations are correctly set up and adhere to the required standards and practices.

    Fixing suggestions:

    1. Ensure all new files and changes follow the naming conventions and structuring standards used in the project.
    2. After merging, monitor the CI jobs to ensure they run as expected and fix any issues that may arise.
    3. Have another CI/CD engineer review the changes for a second opinion or to catch any potential issues that might have been missed.
    ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago


    This pull-request has been approved by: wuhuizuo

    The full list of commands accepted by this bot can be found here.

    The pull request process is described here

    Needs approval from an approver in each of these files: - ~~[jenkins/OWNERS]( [wuhuizuo] - ~~[jobs/OWNERS]( [wuhuizuo] - ~~[pipelines/OWNERS]( [wuhuizuo] - ~~[prow-jobs/OWNERS]( [wuhuizuo] Approvers can indicate their approval by writing `/approve` in a comment Approvers can cancel approval by writing `/approve cancel` in a comment
    ti-chi-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

    I have already done a preliminary review for you, and I hope to help you do a better job.

    The pull request mainly does the following:

    1. Splits the release 8.2 jobs for the TiFlash and TiKV repositories.
    2. Set up Jenkins pipelines for integration and unit tests.
    3. Defines Kubernetes pod templates for the jobs.
    4. Updates the Kustomize configuration to include the new jobs.
    5. Adds presubmit job configurations for the TiFlash and TiKV release 8.2.

    Key files:

    Potential problems:
