PingchuanMa / NCLaw

[ICML 2023] Learning Neural Constitutive Laws from Motion Observations for Generalizable PDE Dynamics
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How to generate textured mesh videos? #3

Open hbell99 opened 2 months ago

hbell99 commented 2 months ago

Hi, I reproduced the code and found that only videos of predicted particles are saved. I wonder how to generate the textured mesh videos given the predicted particles?

PingchuanMa commented 1 week ago

This is a good question. MPM is a semi-particle-based method and thus there is not an underlying mesh. There are a few ways to simulate the effect though:

  1. Reconstruct the mesh and advect the mesh with the particles.
  2. A hacky but easy way is to simply add the original vertices in the msh into the particle set of MPM. The textured mesh will be automatically advect along with the particles.

In NCLaw paper, we used 2.