Open amcjen opened 10 years ago
Prevents weird hung states when unplugging Scouts after configuration.
c++ /* Watchdog Timer Basic Example 10 June 2011 Nicolas Larsen */ #include <avr/wdt.h> int loop_count = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Starting up..."); pinMode(13,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(13,HIGH); delay (500); watchdogSetup(); } void watchdogSetup(void) { cli(); # # // disable all interrupts wdt_reset(); // reset the WDT timer /* WDTCSR configuration: WDIE = 1: Interrupt Enable WDE = 1 :Reset Enable WDP3 = 0 :For 2000ms Time-out WDP2 = 1 :For 2000ms Time-out WDP1 = 1 :For 2000ms Time-out WDP0 = 1 :For 2000ms Time-out */ // Enter Watchdog Configuration mode: WDTCSR |= (1<<WDCE) | (1<<WDE); // Set Watchdog settings: WDTCSR = (1<<WDIE) | (1<<WDE) | (0<<WDP3) | (1<<WDP2) | (1<<WDP1) | (1<<WDP0); sei(); } void loop() { for (int i = 0; i <= loop_count;i++){ digitalWrite(13,HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(13,LOW); delay(100); } loop_count++; wdt_reset(); Serial.print(loop_count); Serial.print(". Watchdog fed in approx. "); Serial.print(loop_count*200); Serial.println(" milliseconds."); } ISR(WDT_vect) // Watchdog timer interrupt. { // Include your code here - be careful not to use functions they may cause the interrupt to hang and // prevent a reset. }
Prevents weird hung states when unplugging Scouts after configuration.