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Create page => src/pages/dashboard.tsx #728

Closed otto-jacob closed 1 year ago

otto-jacob commented 1 year ago

Create a Next.js page for src/pages/dashboard.tsx. Here are the instructions:

Issue: Create a Next.js React page for the dashboard (dashboard.tsx)


We need to create a dashboard page for our users to view and manage their projects. This page should display a list of the user's projects and provide an option to create a new project. The dashboard should be a Next.js page written in TypeScript as a functional component using ES6 syntax like arrow functions. The page should use Tailwind CSS for styling and next-auth/react for authentication.


Create a new Next.js React page called dashboard.tsx in the src/pages directory. This page should be a functional component that uses ES6 syntax, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.

Detailed Instructions

  1. Import the necessary libraries and components:

    • Import React and the useState and useEffect hooks from 'react'.
    • Import the useSession hook from 'next-auth/react'.
    • Import the Layout component from '~/components/Layout.tsx'.
    • Import the ProjectCard component from '~/components/ProjectCard.tsx'.
    • Import the Project type from '~/types.ts'.
  2. Define the Dashboard functional component:

    • Use the useSession hook to get the user's session. If the session is not available, redirect the user to the login page.
    • Define a state variable projects using the useState hook, initialized with an empty array. The type of this state variable should be Project[].
    • Define a function fetchProjects that fetches the user's projects from the API endpoint (assume the API endpoint is already created). This function should update the projects state variable with the fetched data.
    • Use the useEffect hook to call the fetchProjects function when the component mounts.
    • Render the Layout component with a title prop set to "Dashboard".
    • Inside the Layout component, render a heading with the text "Your Projects" and a subheading with the text "Manage your projects here".
    • Below the headings, render a button with the text "Create New Project" that navigates the user to the project creation flow when clicked.
    • Iterate over the projects state variable and render a ProjectCard component for each project. Pass the project data as a prop to the ProjectCard component.
  3. Export the Dashboard component as the default export.

Example Code Structure

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useSession } from 'next-auth/react';
import Layout from '~/components/Layout.tsx';
import ProjectCard from '~/components/ProjectCard.tsx';
import { Project } from '~/types.ts';

const Dashboard = () => {
  // Use the useSession hook and handle the case when the session is not available.
  // Define the projects state variable and the fetchProjects function.
  // Use the useEffect hook to call fetchProjects when the component mounts.

  return (
    <Layout title="Dashboard">
      {/* Render the headings and the Create New Project button */}
      {/* Iterate over the projects state variable and render a ProjectCard component for each project */}

export default Dashboard;

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