PiotrMachowski / Home-Assistant-custom-components-SmartThings-Soundbar

Samsung Smarthings API for controlling Soundbar
MIT License
85 stars 21 forks source link

Integration not found #2

Closed BlaRock86 closed 4 years ago

BlaRock86 commented 4 years ago

When I add the 3 files in the correct folder, and use tmy API and ID key, I get the following:

"Platform error media_player.smartthings_soundbar - Integration 'smartthings_soundbar' not found."

PiotrMachowski commented 4 years ago

Have you restarted HA? Is there anything more in logs (right after restart of HA)?

You can add this repo as a custom repository in HACS, it will download everything for you https://hacs.xyz/docs/faq/custom_repositories

BlaRock86 commented 4 years ago

Hi, After adding the repo through Hacs, the errors were gone. No idea how that fixed it. (folder and files were the same) (restarted dozens of time :P )

But still didn't see it appearing, so I made a new token, and that seemed to solve the problem.

All works good now. Thx for the quick reply. (still new to all this HA-stuff)