PiotrMachowski / Home-Assistant-custom-components-Tauron-AMIplus

This sensor uses unofficial API to get energy usage and generation data from https://elicznik.tauron-dystrybucja.pl.
MIT License
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Błędna konfiguracja #84

Closed prezesBB closed 1 year ago

prezesBB commented 1 year ago

Cześć. Ostatnio zaktualizowałem integrację, wrzuciłem w config jak w opisie (poniżej) i wyskakuje mi błąd konfiguracji.

- platform: tauron_amiplus
    name: Tauron AMIPlus
    username: xxxx
    password: xxxx
    energy_meter_id: xxxx
      - consumption_reading
      - consumption_daily
      - consumption_monthly
      - consumption_yearly
      - consumption_last_12_months
      - generation_reading
      - generation_daily
      - generation_monthly
      - generation_yearly
      - generation_last_12_months
      - balanced_daily
      - balanced_monthly


Invalid config for [sensor.tauron_amiplus]: value must be one of ['balanced_daily', 'balanced_monthly', 'consumption_daily', 'consumption_monthly', 'consumption_reading', 'consumption_yearly', 'generation_daily', 'generation_monthly', 'generation_reading', 'generation_yearly'] @ data['monitored_variables'][4]. Got 'consumption_last_12_months'
value must be one of ['balanced_daily', 'balanced_monthly', 'consumption_daily', 'consumption_monthly', 'consumption_reading', 'consumption_yearly', 'generation_daily', 'generation_monthly', 'generation_reading', 'generation_yearly'] @ data['monitored_variables'][9]. Got 'generation_last_12_months'. (See ?, line ?).