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more and more candidates and new type_weight #31

Open MingjieWang0606 opened 1 year ago

MingjieWang0606 commented 1 year ago


MingjieWang0606 commented 1 year ago


MingjieWang0606 commented 1 year ago

type_weight {0:1, 1:6, 2:3} 0.530066 ┆ 0.41643 ┆ 0.656329 ┆ 0.571733 0:0.5, 1:9, 2:0.5} 0.525971 ┆ 0.41657 ┆ 0.652648 ┆ 0.569157

MingjieWang0606 commented 1 year ago

candidates 20 0.530066 ┆ 0.41643 ┆ 0.656329 ┆ 0.571733 200 0.532378 ┆ 0.41942 ┆ 0.65692 ┆ 0.573220 300