Piour / cozy-feeds

Feed aggregator for Cozy Cloud
6 stars 5 forks source link

Make it compatible with mobile RSS reader? #12

Open frankrousseau opened 9 years ago

frankrousseau commented 9 years ago

Would it be possible to make Cozy Feeds usable with Mobile clients like that one?


Piour commented 9 years ago

Sorry for the late answer, it seems i dont get any notification from github notification anymore.

I note it, and come back to you after i checked it.

plaindocs commented 9 years ago


sefsh commented 9 years ago

Another way would be to add a Fever compatible API to the application, thus enabling a plethora of fever compatible iOS and Android feed apps.

frankrousseau commented 9 years ago

@yusf What is Fever do you have any link?

sefsh commented 9 years ago

@frankrousseau Fever is a closed-source but self hosted feed reading software. It's been around for a long time and probably had it's time years ago. A lot of multi-backend feed reading apps supports it, often the only self-hosted alternative available. By emulating the Fever API one is then able to use any of those great feed readers (Reeder, Mr. Reader, ReadKit and so on).

One implementation of this already written is the tinytinyrss-fever-plugin for Tiny Tiny RSS.