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[Components] vivocalendar #11437

Closed pipedream-component-development closed 1 week ago

pipedream-component-development commented 2 weeks ago



Webhook Sources



Emit new event when a new appointment is created. Props are required to link the appointment to a specific staff member and customer.



Emit new event when a new customer is created within the system. Required props include customer's name, contact, and any other identifying information.

Polling Sources



Emit new event when a new staff member is created. Required props would be the staff member's details including name, contact, and position.




Cancels an existing appointment. The prop for this action is 'appointment_id', which is a mandatory field required to identify the appointment to be cancelled.



Creates a new appointment. The mandatory props include 'customer_id', 'appointment_date' and 'appointment_time'. Optional props may include 'notes' to provide additional details about the appointment.



Adds a new customer to the app. Mandatory props include 'customer_name' and 'email'. Optional props may include 'phone_number' and 'address'.

jcortes commented 2 weeks ago

@malexanderlim this is going to be blocked because the response to any request to the API is the following error:

{"response":{"message":"Only Pro or Pro+ user can access this api."}}

I've tried with @sergio-eliot-rodriguez creds account

malexanderlim commented 2 weeks ago

@sergio-eliot-rodriguez , would you be able to request a Pro account for use to use for component development?

sergio-eliot-rodriguez commented 1 week ago

@malexanderlim i created a new trial. there are no requirements to create a new trial on a pro account, it lasts 7 days only. i create a new 1pw vault named "VivoCalendar 2".

@jcortes can you please try with the new account, note that the trial expires after 7 days

jcortes commented 1 week ago

Hi @malexanderlim @sergio-eliot-rodriguez I'm getting an error when trying to make a request to the create-appointment actions:


curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://app.vivocalendar.com/api/v3/appointments?appointment%5Buser_id%5D=81019&appointment%5Bservice_id%5D=127555&appointment%5Bappointment_start_time%5D=2024-04-12%2016%3A30&appointment%5Bappointment_date%5D=2024-04-12&appointment%5Bappointment_end_time%5D=2024-04-12%2017%3A00&customer%5Bname%5D=Test%206' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'api-key: <TOKEN>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "appointment": {
    "user_id": "81019",
    "service_id": "127555",
    "appointment_start_time": "2024-04-12 16:30",
    "appointment_date": "2024-04-12",
    "appointment_end_time": "2024-04-12 17:00",
    "customer": {
      "name": "Test 6"

Error Response

500 Internal Server Error
If you are the administrator of this website, then please read this web application's log file and/or the web server's log file to find out what went wrong.
malexanderlim commented 1 week ago

@jcortes please try the example in the documentation - this worked for me.

curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://app.vivocalendar.com/api/v3/appointments?appointment%5Buser_id%5D=81019&appointment%5Bservice_id%5D=127555&appointment%5Bappointment_start_time%5D=2023-09-23%2016%3A30&appointment%5Bappointment_date%5D=2023-09-23&appointment%5Bappointment_end_time%5D=2023-09-23%2016%3A45&appointment%5Bprice%5D=10.0&appointment%5Btitle%5D=Harris%20%7C%2015%20Minute%20Phone&appointment%5Bduration%5D=15&appointment%5Bdescription%5D=Annual%20check-up%20with%20Dr.%20Smith&customer%5Bname%5D=Harris&customer%5Bemail%5D=harris%40outlook.com' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'api-key: <api-key>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "appointment": {
    "user_id": "138455",
    "service_id": "225454",
    "duration": "15",
    "appointment_start_time": "2023-09-23 16:30",
    "appointment_date": "2023-09-23",
    "appointment_end_time": "2023-09-23 16:45",
    "customer": {
      "name": "Harris",
      "email": "harris@outlook.com",
      "phone": "0342265427",
      "What_is_your_DOB": "1990"
    "price": "10.0",
    "title": "Harris | 15 Minute Phone",
    "description": "Annual check-up with Dr. Smith"
malexanderlim commented 1 week ago

I was able to also execute this without issue in their Swagger https://app.vivocalendar.com/api-docs/index.html

jcortes commented 1 week ago

I had to remove the new-customer webhook source because I wasn't getting any event once I created any customer unfortunatly

vunguyenhung commented 1 week ago

Hi everyone, all test cases are passed! Ready for release!

Test report https://vunguyenhung.notion.site/Components-vivocalendar-7234e94bd0ca40a9aad4ed2c10d74f15