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[APP] Integrate with the Whatsapp Business App (not API platform) #11848

Closed diegotkt closed 1 month ago

diegotkt commented 2 months ago

Name of app / service Whatsapp Business app on ios and android

Link to developer documentation

Is lack of support preventing you from building workflows, or do you have a workaround? Right now it's preventing me from building workflows.

Are there specific actions, or triggers, you'd like to see for this app? Please let us know here or use the Action and Trigger issue templates to open requests for each! If you look at what zapier implemented, it took me 2 min to setup and have msg's send to my phone. I'm not paying for zapier though, so I can't build my more complex workflows there.


sergio-eliot-rodriguez commented 2 months ago


diegotkt commented 2 months ago


sergio-eliot-rodriguez commented 2 months ago

Hi @diegotkt

Can you help us by pointing us to any documentation for software/integrations of the WhatsApp app for iOs and Android?

I keep getting search results about using the Business API platform.

dylburger commented 1 month ago

Without more information, I'm going to close this issue. Feel free to reopen and add more details, if you'd like.