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[APP] Xperience by Kentico #12588

Open sergio-eliot-rodriguez opened 1 week ago

sergio-eliot-rodriguez commented 1 week ago

App Xperience by Kentico Website https://www.kentico.com/platforms/xperience-by-kentico Note on outreach by email, copied sergio@pk integrations@pd

sergio-eliot-rodriguez commented 4 days ago

Tried to installed a local instance per Installation instructions

This fails with

Error installing the database. Original message: The initialization of CMS.DataEngine.AbstractInfoBase`1[[CMS.DataEngine.DataClassInfo, CMS.DataEngine, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=834b12a258f213f9]] failed. See the inner exception for details.

Tried twice using SDKs NET 7.0 and NET 8.0, same error in both cases. The error occurs during "Create the project database" step.

sergio-eliot-rodriguez commented 4 days ago

For the SaaS version they said

I am afraid but we are not interested. We already collaborate with some other agencies who are doing integrations ... ... However, I already talked to the product management team and we are not interested as mentioned before