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[ACTION] Dropbox new actions #1956

Closed vellames closed 2 years ago

vellames commented 2 years ago

Create new Actions:

Convert CommonJS to ESM

Add summary to sources


Docs https://www.dropbox.com/developers/documentation/http/documentation https://dropbox.github.io/dropbox-sdk-js/Dropbox.html

vercel[bot] commented 2 years ago

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dylburger commented 2 years ago
vellames commented 2 years ago

@dannyroosevelt @michelle0927 In my view, the following action is redundant List All Files/Subfolders in a Folder | Retrieves a list of files or subfolders in a specified folder because Search Files/Folders | Searches for files and folders by name already has a param where you can search a file/folders passing a path Does it make sense?

michelle0927 commented 2 years ago

@dannyroosevelt @michelle0927 In my view, the following action is redundant List All Files/Subfolders in a Folder | Retrieves a list of files or subfolders in a specified folder because Search Files/Folders | Searches for files and folders by name already has a param where you can search a file/folders passing a path Does it make sense?

Integromat has both as separate actions, so I think we should have both of them.

dannyroosevelt commented 2 years ago

I'm generally in favor of reducing redundant actions but yea I think the use case for each is slightly different, even though you might be able to accomplish the goal using either action. And especially since Dropbox is such a popular service, let's keep both. Thanks @vellames-turing and @michelle0927

vellames commented 2 years ago

Hey @michelle0927 . Can you help me with these two asked actions?

I am looking into dropbox SDK and I can't find something related to this. The closest thing that I found was to create a "paper", I am not sure if this is what you want me to do. Thank you!

vellames commented 2 years ago

@michelle0927 Maybe I should create a text file in pipedream and upload it as a text file?

michelle0927 commented 2 years ago

@michelle0927 Maybe I should create a text file in pipedream and upload it as a text file?

I think that's what I would do. Maybe just have the "plain text content" entered as a prop, create a text file from it in the /tmp directory (https://pipedream.com/docs/workflows/steps/code/nodejs/working-with-files/#the-tmp-directory), and upload it to Dropbox. Would that work?

vellames commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your review, I already pushed some updates. I will send the rest of the adjustments tomorrow morning. Tks!

vellames commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your review! All suggestions were implemented

elibenton commented 2 years ago

Hi all! I'm having trouble with the new file trigger. I use the automatic trigger, and it produces the following code.

const dropbox = require("../../dropbox.app.js");

module.exports = {
  key: "dropbox-new-file",
  name: "New File",
  version: "0.0.4",
    "Emits an event when a new file is added to your account or a specific folder. Make sure the number of files/folders in the watched folder does not exceed 4000.",
  props: {
    path: { propDefinition: [dropbox, "path"] },
    recursive: { propDefinition: [dropbox, "recursive"] },
    includeMediaInfo: {
      type: "boolean",
        "Emit media info for photos and videos (incurs an additional API call)",
      default: false,
    includeLink: {
      type: "boolean",
        "Emit temporary download link to file (incurs an additional API call)",
      default: false,
    dropboxApphook: {
      type: "$.interface.apphook",
      appProp: "dropbox",
      static: [],
    db: "$.service.db",
  hooks: {
    async activate() {
      const startTime = new Date();
      await this.dropbox.initState(this);
      this.db.set("last_file_mod_time", startTime);
  async run(event) {
    const lastFileModTime = this.db.get("last_file_mod_time");
    let currFileModTime = "";
    const updates = await this.dropbox.getUpdates(this);
    for (update of updates) {
      if (update[".tag"] == "file") {
        if (update.server_modified > currFileModTime) {
          currFileModTime = update.server_modified;
        try {
          const dpx = await this.dropbox.sdk();
          let revisions = await dpx.filesListRevisions({
            path: update.id,
            mode: { ".tag": "id" },
            limit: 10,
          if (revisions.result) {
            revisions = revisions.result;
          if (revisions.entries.length > 1) {
            const oldest = revisions.entries.pop();
            if (lastFileModTime && lastFileModTime >= oldest.client_modified) {
          if (this.includeMediaInfo) {
            const dpx = await this.dropbox.sdk();
            update = await dpx.filesGetMetadata({
              path: update.path_lower,
              include_media_info: true,
            if (update.result) {
              update = update.result;
          if (this.includeLink) {
            const dpx = await this.dropbox.sdk();
            let response = await dpx.filesGetTemporaryLink({
              path: update.path_lower,
            if (response.result) {
              response = response.result;
            const { link, metadata } = response;
            update.link = link;
        } catch (err) {
          throw `Error looking up revisions for file: ${update.name}`;
    if (currFileModTime != "") {
      this.db.set("last_file_mod_time", currFileModTime);

And when I try to send a test event, nothing ever appears, it just listens forever. I check the logs, and this is what I see.

Any idea why the event is logging, but isn't actually propagating through to the next step?

db["last_file_mod_time"] ⭅ "2022-01-23T22:31:35Z"
db["dropbox_state"] ⭅ {"path":"/Martian Groceries","recursive":true,"cursor":"AAG0e496Pvx5q_4Vc6ip2anA9Zwf88svnoEmGR840_speWgQCnqITYtI1NWePrmupLYyL-MM5LAQDYEfvFx7VR2MobXUBsSTTWLiQPmpSxl6Kwvz7k01xGZO6IZ347r6RwIUkCa4qxRYmOvSWfzcZ9AqP7QJCj92bdINEpOGsiMbLgkIUmJiGAAj7ty3CQrPTCOhOc-YRq5SQPyNfAPVeVp9-lr0rVE9EDPyHFtDDOHWCQ"}
db["dropbox_state"] ⭆ {"path":"/Martian Groceries","recursive":true,"cursor":"AAH_1-lTNlONoF3NaG_HytW5OGsgMfe_OIRq2SMRmGQxZUMuCmiUzIUC4GpC3-4VBDeDPiZ3BAOqPiVOzDVFjMkaUOOXuBr5iBYynXfdocNhKfTUPiqzQ3ccYjKpFXenteFWLgqqy_lV7ZXH2Q38oAxIx67vJ67MhpyXBhqy3zKNusUfkYzlqnWe6bbU9T9WOg--K9j0GZxfLqa65ChZscsaCJUBg69UaTluZT5rQv122w"}
db["last_file_mod_time"] ⭆ "2022-01-23T22:31:01.897Z"
Apphook Notification
vellames commented 2 years ago

@elibenton I will check it cc: @dannyroosevelt

dannyroosevelt commented 2 years ago

@elibenton I will check it cc: @dannyroosevelt

@vellames-turing none of the sources are working for me either

dannyroosevelt commented 2 years ago

Looks like some of the async options are failing due to needing to be refactored for withLabel (tracking that work in https://github.com/PipedreamHQ/pipedream/issues/2073)

vellames commented 2 years ago

Looks like some of the async options are failing due to needing to be refactored for withLabel (tracking that work in #2073)

I am finishing Reddit and I go back here to check these problems. It was working when I pushed, but as you said, this is probably related to withLabel

vellames commented 2 years ago

@michelle0927 Could you please review the last commits?

dannyroosevelt commented 2 years ago

@vellames-turing plz merge when ready!

vellames commented 2 years ago

@michelle0927 Looks like your approval was dismissed. Could you approve it again, please?

vellames commented 2 years ago
