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[APP][ACTIONS] Google App Scripts #3442

Open ctrlaltdylan opened 2 years ago

ctrlaltdylan commented 2 years ago

Name of app / service

Google App Scripts

Link to developer documentation


Is lack of support preventing you from building workflows, or do you have a workaround?

No, but prebuilt actions would save time rewriting these components over and over again.

Are there specific actions, or triggers, you'd like to see for this app? Please let us know here or use the Action and Trigger issue templates to open requests for each!

projects — A representation of a script project. The API provides methods to create, read, monitor, and modify projects. projects.deployments — A representation of a script deployment. The API provides methods to create, list, update, and delete script project deployments. projects.versions — A representation of a script project version. The API provides methods to create and read project versions. processes — A representation of a script function execution. The API provides methods to list existing processes and gather information about them, such as type and current status. scripts — The endpoint that provides methods to remotely execute Apps Script functions.

Community link


dylburger commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the request! We've added this to our integrations backlog, and we'll update this ticket with progress.

sergio-eliot-rodriguez commented 7 months ago

Google App Scripts previously integrated https://pipedream.com/apps/google-appsheet

Added to Component backlog for action development.