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Inactive workflow and archieved workflow are using same tab #249

Closed cuongtqtran closed 4 years ago

cuongtqtran commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug Archived workflow has should be on a separate tab with inactive workflows. https://share.getcloudapp.com/wbukXGbN

To Reproduce https://share.getcloudapp.com/wbukXGbN

Expected behavior All archived workflow only display at Archived Tab.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

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Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

dylburger commented 4 years ago

@cuongtalentccc this is actually by design. When you archive a workflow, we deactivate it, as well. So all archived workflows are also inactive.

Is there a way you think we can improve the categorization, or the labeling / filtering, to make that more clear?

dylburger commented 4 years ago

We're still happy to consider other options for presenting this UX, but since this isn't a bug, I'm closing the current issue. Feel free to open another issue or chat us on Slack with other ideas.