PiperBaron / KPopRepo

A project dedicated to providing translation and background to popular K-Pop songs and groups!
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Markup Structure for Song/Group Pages #3

Open PiperBaron opened 3 years ago

PiperBaron commented 3 years ago

The songs themselves (both the original Korean lyrics and the translations) will be within one page. The groups and list of members will have their own dedicated pages that will be linked to the lyrics. None of this is totally set in stone, we can change/adjust things if we need to.

Song/Lyric Structure

Group/Members Structure

ebeshero commented 3 years ago

@PiperBaron Wow! Lots of data to organize here! I'm eager to see how you and @AreannaRussell decide to structure the lyrics markup. It looks like you're organizing lyrics by artist/group. I like the idea of investigation comparative popularity in different locations. Do you have access to English/French translations or summaries over fan sites?

PiperBaron commented 3 years ago

@ebeshero For translations, definitely -- there's translations for each of these songs in most popular languages! As for popularity, that can be a difficult thing to quantify in the K-Pop community, given that so much of the participation in fan-culture is done anonymously online. I'll do some research and see if I can find more data like the Twitter mention analysis that we found earlier.

ebeshero commented 3 years ago

@PiperBaron Just responding to your Slack post here. Okay: My point about having one schema was mostly that you don't want you and @AreannaRussell to be making two different schema for coding the same kinds of files (as in each of you creates your own independent modeling of the same thing). Sometimes people start out doing that on a project and it causes all kinds of problems later as we start trying to process the code to "pull" information and produce website material for the project.

But what you describe is different from that. Your project would have two very different kinds of XML documents, almost certainly stored in different directories (file folders), even. So for that, it is perfectly okay to create two different schemas, one for each kind of document. Just be sure you name these clearly and it's easy to know which schema should be associated with which set of XML documents. That's where careful file directory structure in your GitHub repo will help.