Open slaanx opened 1 month ago
Can you check the Logs folder in your HoloCure game directory and post the logs there as well? It's possible that you might have conflicting versions of some mods if you've used some of my other mods, so check to make sure that you're using all the mods in the current release.
Also, I just remembered that another person had the same issue, and it was due to windows defender blocking AurieLoader and not letting it install properly. Try reinstalling Aurie/making a whitelist in windows defender for AurieLoader
I didn't install any other mods, but I will check on reinstalling Aurie
So I redownloaded and installed AurieManager.exe, ran the file, chose the HoloCure.exe, Add mods, 3 dlls from here, Play Game. AurieLoader is set to Allowed in Windows Defender (from my previous attempt at running it). I still get the same error.
Here is the log: 2024_10_28_00_52_59 Holocure Menu Mod v1.0.2 - Finished initializing 2024_10_28_00_53_02 - Creating instance for non-existing object: -1 0> CallbackManagerMod!_AurieFrameworkInit+0x2D056 1> HoloCure+0x22308B9 2> HoloCure+0x21A73A1 3> YYToolkit!ModuleUnload+0x61AE 4> YYToolkit!ModuleUnload+0x5EDD 5> HolocureMultiplayerMod!_AurieFrameworkInit+0x26D72 6> CallbackManagerMod!_AurieFrameworkInit+0x2721 7> YYToolkit!ModuleUnload+0x1D4BB 8> YYToolkit!ModuleUnload+0x1C685 9> HoloCure+0x2158963 10> HoloCure+0x22CA8F5 11> HoloCure+0x22B1BFB 12> HoloCure+0x220ACFE 13> HoloCure+0x2208371 14> HoloCure+0x2209BE2 15> HoloCure+0x22363EB 16> HoloCure+0x242542E 17> KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x1D 18> ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x28
2024_10_28_00_53_05 Holocure Multiplayer Mod v1.1.7 - Finished ModuleInitialize
Not sure if it matters, but AurieManager is in the same folder as Holocure. Moving it to another folder didn't help.
All the mods I'm using are from the latest release 1.1.7
I was able to get it to run, but it was purely a random test. I learned that if I click as soon as allowed to skip the opening cutscene it will immediately crash, but if I wait a moment it will work.
I noticed that if I click before the YYToolkit Log says "Start initializing" it will crash. But if I wait till after, it won't.
The YYToolkit Log window reports a ton of errors, but it's not producing a log file. The errors are about "SDKFirebaseAuthentication_* failed with error code 126... File doesn't exist." I'm assuming this isn't related to your mod.
Those aren't important issues. Is the mod working now, or is it still crashing? Try launching the game through steam instead of AurieManager since there's some issues with that currently. If you're still getting that issue, you might just have to try reinstalling multiple times/turning off Windows Defender since it might be messing up the Aurie initialization.
I get this error when I click on the first splash screen. I have it installed on my second drive. I'm playing the steam version.