Piranhaplant / LLP2ST

Download LLPractice beatmaps for SIF Train.
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Preview audio continues even after exiting app #2

Open dgw opened 8 years ago

dgw commented 8 years ago


Expected result: Audio stops playing when LLP2ST quits. Actual result: Audio continues until LLP2ST is swiped out of the recent apps.

Piranhaplant commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I knew about this issue, but I don't know how to fix it since Android doesn't provide any way to tell when the user leaves the whole application. I can detect when the user leaves the current activity, but I want the audio to play on all activities in the app.

My idea was to have a notification when previewing a song (similar to most Android music players), but I haven't had time to implement it yet.

dgw commented 8 years ago

It does seem to be possible. SIF itself does not continue playing menu background music if one presses the Home button. Though it may be moot to compare LLP2ST, as SIF very well might use only one Activity to host the game engine.

Piranhaplant commented 8 years ago

SIF (and most other games) indeed only use one activity, so it is easy for them to detect this. I'll try some other stuff, but I think using a notification is the best option.