Pirate-Weather / pirateweather

Code and documentation for the Pirate Weather API
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Remaining Bugs/Issues for the V2 Development API #180

Closed cloneofghosts closed 2 months ago

cloneofghosts commented 3 months ago

I had wrote this as a comment but for better visibility I'm going to create an issue for it so it doesn't get lost in the other issue.


Nice to have Issues but not critical for V2


An example of the precipitation intensity bug I added to the list of tasks:

  "currently": {
    "time": 1710893160,
    "summary": "Cloudy",
    "icon": "cloudy",
    "nearestStormDistance": 35.47,
    "nearestStormBearing": 63,
    "precipIntensity": 0.5602,
    "precipProbability": 0.16,
    "precipIntensityError": 0.14,
    "precipType": "snow",
    "temperature": -0.15,
    "apparentTemperature": -4.02,
    "dewPoint": -0.71,
    "humidity": 0.79,
    "pressure": 989.92,
    "windSpeed": 12.88,
    "windGust": 26.87,
    "windBearing": 184,
    "cloudCover": 0.92,
    "uvIndex": 0,
    "visibility": 6.51,
    "ozone": 413.48

Examples of negative precipAccumulation and precipInsensity:

Hourly ``` { "time": 1711015200, "icon": "wind", "summary": "Windy", "precipIntensity": -0.21, "precipProbability": 0.06, "precipIntensityError": 0.04, "precipAccumulation": -0.2, "precipType": "snow", }, ```
Daily ``` { "time": 1710993600, "icon": "partly-cloudy-day", "summary": "Partly Cloudy", "sunriseTime": 1711018996, "sunsetTime": 1711063029, "moonPhase": 0.42, "precipIntensity": -0.04, "precipIntensityMax": 0.25, "precipIntensityMaxTime": 1710993600, "precipProbability": 0.18, "precipAccumulation": -0.8999999999999999, "precipType": "snow", }, ```

On Wednesday the API is predicting rain and snow and using the V2 flag it shows this for the liquid/snow accumulation:

"liquidAccumulation": 1.8,
"snowAccumulation": 11.4,
"iceAccumulation": 0

I would expect the precipAccumulation to be 11.58 but instead it shows "precipAccumulation": 2.94,. It seems like it's converting the snowAccumulation to cm instead of the liquidAccumulation like I would expect. It's only converting the snowAccumulation when there is mixed precipitation otherwise it just shows the value of snowAccumulation. Rain is also not being converted into cm as it is also just using the value of liquidAccumulation.

cloneofghosts commented 2 months ago

This issue is meant to be locked so it doesn't get lost in the other issue. Any issues should be reported in #155

alexander0042 commented 2 months ago

Sorry, didn't mean to re-open this!

cloneofghosts commented 2 months ago

This is separate from the original list I created. I figured making it it's own issue would help so it doesn't get lost in the other bugs issue since it'll be pretty active with other people reporting bugs. I re-opened but I can close it if you'd like.