Pirate-Weather / pirateweather

Code and documentation for the Pirate Weather API
Apache License 2.0
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Internal Service Error #208

Closed cloneofghosts closed 1 month ago

cloneofghosts commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

The API has been returning an Internal Service Error message for my location. From my testing it seems to be only for those locations in the HRRR domain as it's still up for those locations outside of the domain.

If add HRRR to the excludes then the API returns data like normal confirming my suspicion that something with the HRRR model is causing the issue.

Expected behavior

API should return data for the requested location

Actual behavior

Internal Server Error message is shown instead

API Endpoint



Ottawa, Ontario

Other details

No response

Troubleshooting steps

carlos-sarmiento commented 1 month ago

I'm also getting a 500 error from Pirate Weather. Don't know what HRRR is, but this URL fails (api key redacted): https://api.pirateweather.net/forecast/xxxxxxxxxxxx/29.73,-95.65?units=si&extend=hourly&version=2

rayvd commented 1 month ago

Same also. Adding exclude=hrrr to the call seems to make things work.

alexander0042 commented 1 month ago

I'm so sorry for this outage! I take uptime pretty seriously. so this is a big issue. What happened was a bug in my datetime rounding code failed because of the month rollover, and excluding HRRR fixed it since I don't have to round that one. It's back up and running now, and corrected so it won't happen again!

cloneofghosts commented 1 month ago

Can confirm everything is working again.