Pirate-Weather / pirateweather

Code and documentation for the Pirate Weather API
Apache License 2.0
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Update API docs for 2.0.9 #240

Closed cloneofghosts closed 2 weeks ago

cloneofghosts commented 4 weeks ago

Updated the API docs to include changes from V2.0.9

cloneofghosts commented 3 weeks ago

@alexander0042 Do we want to add documentation for #225 or is that a bug with the API?

alexander0042 commented 3 weeks ago

Great changes! Also, and unrelated, but I hadn't realized how many updates you'd put into the HA integration, so thank you thank you thank you so much for that.

I'll add a line to probability explaining how it can be >0 with no intensity, and merge this to main!

cloneofghosts commented 3 weeks ago

A lot of the updates in the HA repo (same goes for this repo as well) is merging in updated dependencies. The majority of the other changes were things that people had created issues for.

Since I figured you were focusing on the V2 changes I figured out how to make updates to the integration so you could keep your focus there.

EDIT: Should this PR also update the HA docs to address https://github.com/Pirate-Weather/pirate-weather-ha/issues/243?

cloneofghosts commented 3 weeks ago

I also added a note to the alerts section that they are only supported in the US at the moment. The only note about that is in the changelog so it makes sense to make it more visible.

cloneofghosts commented 2 weeks ago

Updated the docs to include information about precipProbability and added the multiple integration question to HA docs. It may be a good idea to have a FAQ page for the main API and move some of the stuff we added to the parameters there. It would be done in a separate PR since it'd be better to update the docs with this info first before adding a FAQ page. @alexander0042