Piraxus / OrbiterSkyboltClient

Skybolt Engine graphics client for Orbiter Spaceflight Simulator
MIT License
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Aplying force while on the ground causes lag spikes #3

Open OvalDreamX opened 1 year ago

OvalDreamX commented 1 year ago

Activating engines (main or hover), rolling on the ground (no engines) or even rcs (rot or lin) causes the sim to get very low fps for about 6 seconds and then it recovers its normal functioning. I tested it both in the moon and in earth, both with the same results. The low fps will also affect if you are not focused on that vessel in particular. For example, I was on a dragonfly in orbit and still got low fps when the dg on earth crashed and started touching the ground

matthew-reid commented 1 year ago

I've seen this issue before. I'm currently investigating.

matthew-reid commented 1 year ago

I remember seeing this problem a while ago, but I haven't been able to reproduce it with the OrbiterSkyboltClient_1_0_2_Win64 release. Is this the version you're using? I think the problem may have something to do with collision detection against Orbiter's quadtree terrain. What is the git SHA of the orbiter version you're testing with? I'm using 351248aea746c3611e5c8e29d22da8755257514d

As a test, try disabling "Surface elevation" in Orbiter's Visual Effects tab.

OvalDreamX commented 1 year ago

I dont really know how to get the git sha on visual studio 2019 (pretty new with it) but I built it 5th August, so it says v.20220805 in the launcher. And yes, Im using skybolt 1.0.2 from the releases section

As per the problem itself. I can confirm that cubic interpolation seemed to be the problem. I tried linear and disabling surface elevation altogether and it got rid of the lag. But plot twist! when I turned cubic interpolation back on just to confirm, the fps drop didnt return. Closed the launcher and opened it again (with cubic activated) and still normal fps. So it seems that just changing the surface elevation setting got rid of the lag?

matthew-reid commented 1 year ago

The Orbiter version you're using is similar to what I'm testing on which is good. It sounds like there's a bug either in the skybolt plugin or in Orbiter itself, but it only causes problems intermittently. I'll investigate further if I can reproduce the issue again in the future.

OvalDreamX commented 1 year ago

Will try to reproduce it on my end. Maybe it was because, when I first compiled OpenOrbiter (and added Skybolt), I launched the simulation for the first time with cubic interpolation activated. But I think this issue its not as important as it is intermittent and it looks like its easily fixable by changing the surface elevation type