Pissandshittium / pissandshittium

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Paid macOS build for Brew and SnapD integration. #23

Open SUPERCELLEX opened 6 months ago

SUPERCELLEX commented 6 months ago

Title explains it. Add a 55$ paywall page that gives you a link to install a Brew package named epsiguwpeirug that installs the browser for macOS. Also, because I ❤️ making maintainer's lives hell. I will also request a SnapD dependancy for the Linux build, so it has to be obtained via SnapCraft. On the same issue.

SUPERCELLEX commented 6 months ago

I could've just mentioned SnapD integration in #3 however, I am a selfish little fuck, so I don't think I will.

Aikoyori commented 6 months ago

the only reason I have snap installed on my VPS is to have Let's Encrypt when I could just use python3-certbot-nginx