PistonDevelopers / Piston-Tutorials

Tutorials for Piston
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Documenting shared_library v0.1.7 takes forever #180

Open observant2 opened 6 years ago

observant2 commented 6 years ago

How to reproduce:

  1. Do chapter 1-2.5.
  2. At the section where you should run cargo add pistoncore-glutin_window, do it.
  3. Run cargo run to download the new dependencies and to see that the program still runs.
  4. Run cargo doc.

It will hang at "Documenting shared_library v0.1.7" for a long time.

In the meantime the Sudoku folder gets bigger and bigger (340 MB and still growing). This shouldn't behave like this. Maybe it would be good to exclude some documentation from being downloaded. I don't believe every doc is needed in this tutorial.

bvssvni commented 6 years ago

I see some versions have been yanked https://crates.io/crates/shared_library

observant2 commented 6 years ago

What does that mean? And is there a solution to it?