PistonDevelopers / conrod

An easy-to-use, 2D GUI library written entirely in Rust.
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Question: calendar widget? #991

Open Geobert opened 7 years ago

Geobert commented 7 years ago

Is there a calendar widget? I don't think so, so my next question is: what advice do you guys can give for implementing one? Which existing widget I should use?

For reminder, I'm new to Rust and never coded widget in the past (I'm a > 10 years software engineer though and I love to learn stuff).

I'm in the process of evaluating conrod vs gtk for my app and GTK has more available widgets but seems cumbersome to use in Rust (Rc<RefCell<>> just to connect a model???). Even with Relm, is feels heavy and I'd like to experiment with immediate mode UI a bit as well so I thought it could worth a shot to write missing widgets myself but I feel a bit lost hence this way too long ticket ^^'


mitchmindtree commented 7 years ago

Hey there @Geobert, I'm personally not aware any Calendar widgets out there though I haven't had a good look. Is there any style of calendar widget that you're after in particular?

Unfortunately there is no guide for implementing widgets just yet - the best demonstrations are probably the custom_widget.rs example and the widgets that conrod itself provides. If you could post an example image or two, perhaps I could give you a rough idea of how I'd go about implementing it.

Geobert commented 7 years ago

Hi there, thank you for your answer!

Here is the kind of widget I'm looking for :)


Geobert commented 7 years ago

And while I'm at it, I'm looking for this kind of spinner widget as well:  image

but this one should be easy enough