PistonDevelopers / input

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Concept implementation #30

Closed tomaka closed 10 years ago

tomaka commented 10 years ago

Here is a summary of the implementation that I'd propose for this crate.

The library contains two main traits: Device and Event.


An implementation of this library (for example gl-init or glfw-rs) should provide a way to obtain the list of devices available on the system. The exact way is implementation-specific. For example for glfw, you could simply add the functions get_mouses(), get_keyboards() and get_gamepads().

When an object that implements Device is also a keyboard, it should also implement the KeyboardDevice trait, defined in the keyboard mod. When a device is also a mouse, it should also implement the MouseDevice trait, defined in the mouse mod. Same for other kind of devices (gamepad, touch screen, kinect, etc.).

These "more precise" traits (KeyboardDevice, MouseDevice, etc.) allows one to get more specific informations: what is the state of a key, what is the position of the cursor on the screen, etc.

Defect: there is currently no way to get the type of a device if you don't know it at compile-time. For example if a system can have both keyboards and gamepads, you need to provide get_keyboards() and get_gamepads() instead of just get_devices(). Associated types will solve this.


An implementation should also provide objects which represent input events, and which must implement the Event trait. The exact way that events are provided is implementation specific. For example for gl-init, I would return a list of what happened in the last frame, and one of the things that can happen is an input event. For a more complex implementation you could imaging having a per-device Sender<Event>.

The Event trait allows one to retrieve all the raw informations about an event, ie. which device produced it, which element of the device, and what is the new "value" of the element. But if you want more informations about an event, you can import either the ToKeyboardEvent trait or the ToMouseEvent trait, which allow you to turn, if possible, the event into a KeyboardEvent or a MouseEvent.

KeyboardEvent and MouseEvent are simple enums that are easier to manipulate.


This design is modular. If you want to manipulate raw events, you can just get a list of Devices, and receive Events.

If you want to use the keyboard, just use the input::keyboard module which contains the definitions for KeyboardDevice, KeyboardEvent and ToKeyboardEvent.

For the moment I have only added the keyboard and mouse modules, but other modules can be added in the future: kinect, touch screen, wiimote, gamepad, etc. One could even implement its own device type outside of the library, if necessary.

tomaka commented 10 years ago

Some issues after discussion:

I would suggest using [u8, 16] because windows uses GUIDs to identify devices, and GUIDs are 16 bytes long. This is equivalent to u128 but u128s don't exist.

tomaka commented 10 years ago

To be refactored