PistonDevelopers / piston

A modular game engine written in Rust
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Margin when using i3 tiling WM #1252

Open krumelmonster opened 6 years ago

krumelmonster commented 6 years ago

When running the spinning-square example, the square isn't centered in the window and, when scaling down the window, margins will be visible at the right and top edge of the window like this: margins in i3wm The problem won't occur in xfwm4 no margins in xfwm4

The problem also won't occur if the window is initialized in floating mode (if i3 is configured to open windows in floating, which makes little sense for a tiling wm). The problem however persists if already opened windows are put into floating mode. The problem won't appear with the glutin examples so it's not a pure glutin issue.

The exact same problem will occur with all the examples in the piston-examples repository

I don't know if the behaviour of tiling wms to ignore the window size requests of clients is standard but it would be nice for piston to work without problems anyways.

hetake2 commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem :/

krumelmonster commented 6 years ago

Thanks. You can work around it by adding

for_window [class="spinning-square"] floating enable

or whatver your application is called to your i3/config to get coding.

hetake2 commented 6 years ago

Thanks. You can work around it by adding

for_window [class="spinning-square"] floating enable

or whatver your application is called to your i3/config to get coding.

That didn't help me, the objects in window are not centered and the resolution is not correct, instead of full image I have that grey background, only when I'm resizing window I can see other parts of image, but even starting window in a floating mode, that changes nothing :(
