PistonDevelopers / piston

A modular game engine written in Rust
MIT License
4.61k stars 237 forks source link

How to contribute #70

Closed bvssvni closed 10 years ago

bvssvni commented 10 years ago

The guidelines are moved here

thehydroimpulse commented 10 years ago

:+1: Gonna start getting into Rust game dev. I've been working on a ton of networking in Rust recently.(Designing a gossip protocol)

Not sure if multiplayer stuff is in the scope of piston or not.

(I also missed the last ludum dare, so I wanna catch the next one and use Rust for it)

bvssvni commented 10 years ago

Cool! I is nice to have people looking at Piston from that perspective, because this helps improve the design. Feel free to post issues about ideas around multiplayer, gossip etc.

bvssvni commented 10 years ago

We will keep this issue updated even if it is closed.

reem commented 10 years ago

Is there a reason we don't have this information in a CONTRIBUTING.md so github points everyone to it when they try and file an issue/make a PR?

bvssvni commented 10 years ago

@reem no, I didn't knew about that feature. Do you want to add it?

reem commented 10 years ago

Just made a PR adding it.

UberLambda commented 10 years ago

Since I've been learning Rust for just two weeks (but I have coded in C++ for ~2 years), and so I'm still a rookie, I'd have some questions:

  1. How easy are the "easy" tasks mentioned in CONTRIBUTING.md?
  2. Is there any code I can start fixing/adding now, just to get used to the engine's structure? Or should I just stick to reverse engineering the engine for now?
  3. Would a basic (component-based?) scene graph fit in the scope of this engine? Is this project aimed to become a game engine or a high-level multimedia API?
bvssvni commented 10 years ago

@UberLambda The "Easy" labels are used about stuff that require less thinking. It doesn't always apply to the amount of code.

Feel free to look around. Also nice if you open issues about gaps in the documentation.

We have no "roof" yet, because we use a very flat maintainer structure. If you got ideas, open up an issue. A scene graph would be very interesting. I picture the Piston project as a set of libraries designed to be used independently but also working nicely together. It is an open question whether the "game engine" lives in the individual parts or the sum as whole.

UberLambda commented 10 years ago

@bvssvni I'll try to find something in the easy tasks for now, then :+1:

mkcp commented 10 years ago

Hey all, looking to contribute. Got a lot of time now and I'd like to do some meaningful work in rust.

bvssvni commented 10 years ago

@mkcp Welcome to the team!

maxsnew commented 10 years ago

Looking to contribute as well. Want to get my feet wet with some larger-scale rust.

bvssvni commented 10 years ago

@maxsnew Welcome to the team!

DarrenTsung commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm was trying to get started with Piston yesterday with the getting-started tutorial (https://github.com/PistonDevelopers/Piston-Tutorials/tree/master/getting-started), but encountered a few bugs due to recent changes to EventIterator. I'd like to contribute and hopefully update the tutorial to work with a bit of help!

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@DarrenTsung Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

ZoeyR commented 9 years ago

I'm looking to contribute as well. I enjoy bug fixing and am looking to contribute to a large project.

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@dgriffen Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

gchp commented 9 years ago

Is there a code of conduct for contributors? I was recently added, and had some questions on etiquette. These kind of things can vary from project to project, so just wanted to clarify some things for the Piston group.

Some questions:

Looking forward to working with you all!

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@gchp I sometimes do analysis of "best practice" and then label with the "Information" tag. For example, self merging is encouraged under certain conditions https://github.com/PistonDevelopers/piston/issues/674 because it saves time. When problems appear we usually try to solve them isolated without adding another "rule" that everybody must follow, but we use the same labels everywhere so people recognize them.

mlschneid commented 9 years ago

I'd like to contribute to your projects! I am hoping Rust really takes off and I think this is a good place to start.

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@mlschneid Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

evenlis commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'd like to contribute to your project. I've really enjoyed learning Rust so far, and would very much like to contribute to projects I expect to popularise Rust (such as this one).

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@evenlis Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

dcampbell24 commented 9 years ago

I want to contribute to Piston.

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@davekong Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

alexchandel commented 9 years ago

I've submitted a few PRs in the past, I'd like to contribute myself!

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@alexchandel I thought you were on the team already. Sent you an invitation!

tanadeau commented 9 years ago

I want to contribute to Piston.

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@tanadeau Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

aij commented 9 years ago

I want to contribute to Piston

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@aij Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

andrensegura commented 9 years ago

Howdy! I've just recently started learning Rust but I've been following it for quite some time. I plan on sticking with it. It's a really promising language and I'd love to see where it goes. It would be really cool to be a part of it's early development. Also, I've never done any open source work. This looks like lots of hard work and dedication. Any way I can get in on this? :)

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@andrensegura Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

I'm on IRC (#rust-gamedev) if you want some help to get started.

patrickjm commented 9 years ago

I want to contribute to Piston

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@pataroose Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

michaelrutherford commented 9 years ago

I've been following Piston for a while, and I would like to contribute to the project. @bvssvni

azilber commented 9 years ago

Hi Sven! I'd like to contribute as well! @bvssvni

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@michaelrutherford Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@azilber Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

jeremija commented 9 years ago

Hi guys, I'm just about to finish the Rust book. I like it so far, but some concepts seem hard to grasp without seeing them in action. I'd really like to learn more by contributing to a larger project such as this one. My background is in Java, JavaScript, Python and I have limited experience with C and C++. Would it be possible for me to join and try to contribute?

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@jeremija Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

dunnker commented 9 years ago

I would like to contribute a sample "hello world" project for rendering text. I had to figure it out for my tetris game, but now that I know how to do it, I'd like to help anyone else looking for sample projects. If there are other tutorial projects I can help with I would be willing to contribute!

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@dunnker There is an example like that here: https://github.com/PistonDevelopers/piston-examples/blob/master/src/hello_world.rs

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@dunnker Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

dannyflax commented 9 years ago

I want to contribute to Piston

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@dannyflax Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

HayleyDeckers commented 9 years ago

I'm looking to contribute to Piston.

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@RDeckers Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.

kvfrans commented 9 years ago

Hey I'm looking to contribute to piston

bvssvni commented 9 years ago

@KevinFrans3 Welcome to the team! I sent you an invitation.