PistonDevelopers / turbine

A 3D game engine with built-in editor
Apache License 2.0
139 stars 7 forks source link

Why Turbine? #3

Open bvssvni opened 8 years ago

bvssvni commented 8 years ago

In this project we will try to integrate some of the libraries we have worked on so far:

The goal is to build a relatively simple 3D game engine.

A very basic ESC system: http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/technical/game-programming/implementing-component-entity-systems-r3382

Data driven development: http://the-witness.net/news/2011/12/engine-tech-concurrent-world-editing/

Window and audio: SDL2 (temporarily for development)

Level editor: Add, move and remove 3D objects. Controls the initial position. Activated by a key press. Use Conrod as UI.

Error reporting: Standard error output.

mitchmindtree commented 8 years ago

Nice :+1: Will be good to have another project pushing conrod along too :yum:

LaylBongers commented 8 years ago

Very happy to see this project happen, I feel like this is exactly what rust needs to be viable for game development. However, why was SDL2 picked for window and audio? We've got decent pure rust alternatives for both, having to set up C dependencies would be a bit of a pain.

bvssvni commented 8 years ago

@LaylConway cpal doesn't support OSX yet, and there is a bug in Glutin when closing the window on OSX. The choice of SDL2 is only temporarily to get features up and running.

Immortalin commented 8 years ago

@bvssvni by 3D game engine do you mean something like Unity?

bvssvni commented 8 years ago

@Immortalin There is no realistic plan we can make to build something like Unity in the next two years, so we'll just build something we can do. Unity's editor is integrated with the Mono framework which lets you script and modify components. Turbine will use a simpler model, where the components are hard coded and the only thing you edit is the start conditions of entities in the game, plus perhaps some basic AI behavior. Turbine will be less general game development tool than Unity. It will possibly only work for a narrow genre and the quality will not be at the level you expect from a commercial engine.