PitPik / colorPicker

Advanced javaScript color picker and color conversion / calculation (rgb, hsv, hsl, hex, cmyk, cmy, XYZ, Lab, alpha, WCAG 2.0, ...)
MIT License
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[Suggestion] Please make a simple example on vanilla JS and some explaination #19

Closed thednp closed 9 years ago

thednp commented 9 years ago

I'm trying to implement this in my project and found it a bit difficult to work with.

I was expecting to link ONE js file and ONE css file, give it an initialization and I'm good, but I'm getting some errors, I have no idea

colorPicker.js?ver=4.2.2:17 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null
PitPik commented 9 years ago

Hi @thednp it is actually as easy as you suggested, you just picked the wrong file. First you have to decide if you want to take the javaScript only or the jQuery implementation, so you chose the folders 'javascript_implememntation/' or 'jQuery_implementation/' where you find the file you want to use: either 'jsColorPicker.min.js' or 'jQueryColorPicker.min.js' (instead of 'colorPicker.js'). You don't need any CSS file as this is integrated.

Good luck, Peter

thednp commented 9 years ago

I want to use the vanilla js, and it's pretty difficult. Maybe I don't understand the code, but in your examples you have several js files included, makes it pretty confusing.

I wish there was an example with ONE js file and initialization via inline scripting.

PitPik commented 9 years ago

Just take the example javascript_implementation/index.html and remove all <script> tags with the attribute src="..." except the last out commented one

<script type="text/javascript" src="jsColorPicker.min.js"></script>

remove the comment tags and the demo will work.

This file (jsColorPicker.min.js) includes all other files: colors.js (that calculates color related stuff), colorPicker.data.js (that holds the HTML and CSS for the UI), colorPicker.js (the UI only) and jsColor.js (which is the implementation that makes colorPicker work on input fields, etc...)

thednp commented 9 years ago

Thank you, will do.

PitPik commented 9 years ago

@thednp have you been successful?

thednp commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I got busy with other stuff, I'll close this for now and re-open, only if I encounter problems.

Thank you so much.

thednp commented 9 years ago

@PitPik I finally managed to implement into my code, but it's gonna be the jQuery version. For some unknown reason the native JS isn't working, but I'm sure it's my implementation issue not the color picker itself.