Pitasi / spotify-lyrics

[DEPRECATED] Synced lyrics for Spotify.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Inconsistent lyric availability #2

Open nutritiousreject opened 7 years ago

nutritiousreject commented 7 years ago

I tried like 15 songs and nothing happened.

I noticed you were using vagalume as your lyric providing service. I'll look into adding multiple lyric serving sites later on tonight.

the ability to add lyrics to a song for others from inside the app wouldn't be a bad idea either

Pitasi commented 7 years ago

Hi there! Lyrics are actually fetched from a brazilian website: http://vagalume.com.br. Probably just they don't have your songs in their database.

nutritiousreject commented 7 years ago

Yeah that's what i figured. I know rapgenius forsure has a public API,pretty sure a few other services do. I need to do some more research to find as many as I can to try and close that gap

I'll probably add the functionality myself to scan multiple services until the song is found.

Pitasi commented 7 years ago

If you find some good and free service, I'll add them to my project! Anyway, PRs are welcome, of course ;)

nutritiousreject commented 7 years ago



http://www.cajunlyrics.com/?page=api _ I know spotify was using https://www.musixmatch.com/ but they ditched it for whatever reason. They seem to have a public API also , but im sure they're not 100% free . http://lyrics.wikia.com/wiki/Lyrics_Wiki

I also noted that you can use the wikia API to access lyrics from. I couldn't find any good documentation on that, but it's a defiant possibility

Pitasi commented 7 years ago

I'm checking these sites.

Musixmatch actually provides a beta access (with limited access) for their API, they will become paid soon or later

Mmm, using lyrics.wikia.com may be an option, but not a 100% legit and legal one, for sure :/

nutritiousreject commented 7 years ago


  artist              - Artist's name
  song                - Song name
  albumName           - Album name
  albumYear           - Four-digit album year
  fmt                 - Response format
  func                - Query type
  limit               - Max number of items to return (eg: in getTopSongs)

It seems to allow public API requests of songs

Pitasi commented 7 years ago

http://lyrics.wikia.com/wiki/LyricWiki:API (brings you to http://api.wikia.com/wiki/LyricWiki_API)

nutritiousreject commented 7 years ago

http://api.wikia.com/wiki/LyricWiki_API brings you to http://api.wikia.com/wiki/LyricWiki_API/Support_Matrix which brings you to http://lyrics.wikia.com/api.php?artist=Cake&song=Dime&fmt=realjson

They defiantly don't make it clear to find

nutritiousreject commented 7 years ago

I didn't actually test the api to see if it's down though. If that's the case, I might look into doing some wget magic and just avoiding the law all together

nutritiousreject commented 7 years ago

api is definantly active, however they seem to not give the entire lyrics to the song.


nutritiousreject commented 7 years ago

I wonder it'd be possible to use the API to get the url of the song and just parse the html element out. Doesn't seem impossible expecially since it's all contained neatly in a div with a class

Pitasi commented 7 years ago

Yes, you just defined a scraper :D I found some packages on npm, but I didn't try to see if their database is really that larger than vagalume's.

nutritiousreject commented 7 years ago


They have listed 1,852,928 songs apparently.

So like probably. It'd make community support of adding custom lyrics pretty easy too

nutritiousreject commented 7 years ago

If scraping doesn't work, theres also the possibility of just displaying the DIV with the lyrics in an iframe too