PitchInteractiveInc / Phinch

Phinch is an open-source framework for visualizing biological data, funded by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan foundation. This project represents an interdisciplinary collaboration between Pitch Interactive, a data visualization studio in Oakland, CA, and biological researchers at UC Riverside.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
149 stars 30 forks source link

taxonomy bar charts exporting with low res and bad font, also can't re-order bars #35

Open jennomics opened 9 years ago

ElDeveloper commented 9 years ago

:+1:, it would be great to have an option to export into PDF/SVG.

hollybik commented 9 years ago

Thanks for noticing this - we've been having some ongoing issues with the Share and Export features (related to the SVG canvas and communication with our cloud servers hosted by MediaTemple). We're still investigating the cause, since it's not quite clear why the Export feature is malfunctioning. It works for some people and fails to export entirely for others. Will post updates as we know more.

As far as the reordering bars, that feature was removed in favor of sorting by sample ID in the parser window (since we realized a lot of people have their samples numbered/alphabetized in the order they want to visualize their samples). The reordering bars was also proving to be too cumbersome for most people to find useful, particularly for large numbers of samples (at least how we implemented the feature originally). It was also interfering with other functions in the visualization, so we have removed it for now. We can add back in later if there is sufficient demand (e.g. during Phase 2 of development).