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Workspace #82

Open evilcel3ri opened 2 years ago

evilcel3ri commented 2 years ago

Build and extend the hunting section to set up an entire workspace allowing users to track, bookmark sample, generate reports etc.



U039b commented 2 years ago

Hi @As0ler @Trufae! @enovella told me to ping you on this issue, more precisely regarding the dynamic analysis stuff. Do you think it would be possible to open an interactive radare+r2frida session within a web browser? The objective would be doing dynamic analysis directly within Pithus.

trufae commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the delay, couldnt answer earlier.

Sure, i don't know how Pittus works, but it should be pretty straigh forward to integrate r2frida in a web user interface. There are several ways to do that, but probably the easiest and more stable would be to use websockets, so the backend knows when the frontend connects and disconnects and can handle the sessions properly.

I wrote a PoC of this in here https://github.com/radareorg/radare2-r2pipe/tree/master/websocket

r2 compiles as webassembly and asm.js, so its also possible to run it entirely inside the browser, but making r2fria work in there will require extra work that its probably not worth for now

alex-bender commented 2 years ago

@trufae @enovella guys, glad to see you involved in that project!