Pitmairen / selection-search

Search extension for the chrome web browser
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Data leakage when loading favicons #157

Open Noir- opened 1 month ago

Noir- commented 1 month ago

It seems like this extension is trying to fetch the favicons from remote hosts every time a site is loaded. It is possible that the response is loaded from cache but it depends on many other factors.

The request also includes the referrer. This has implications on the users privacy because it basically leaks a part of the browsing history of a user to the hosts. Despite that, this behaviour is not very efficient. I'd suggest that the icons are only downloaded once when the search engine is added.

Pitmairen commented 1 month ago

This was solved in earlier versions of the extension by downloading the icons in the background page of the extension, and then serving the icons from the background page.

The problem now with the extension manifest V3 (that will soon be required for the extension to work), is that there is no longer a permanent background process running, the background process is stopped and started as needed by the browser.

So keeping the icons in memory in the background process no longer works. It is possible to save some data in some data storage, but the available storage is limited.

We could maybe fetch the icons every time the background process starts, but then the icons will sometimes be missing if the menu is opened before all the icons have finished downloading.

To prevent the referrer from getting sent, it should be possible to set the referrerpolicy on the image. This should fix the privacy issue. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/img#referrerpolicy

Moving the icon download to the background is harder to solve, I don't have a good solution for that at the moment.

Pitmairen commented 5 days ago

I think I have found a solution for this, that will bring back the old behavior where the icons was loaded in the background process.

There are some limits to the amount of data that can be kept in the background, so it could break for some users with a lot of search engines, or users using very large custom icons. But I think for most users it should work just fine.

It still needs some testing and some small tweaks, but hopefully I should be able to get this out soon.