Faceted searching should show all facets if no hits are found
Actual behavior
Faceted searching shows only supplementary facets (publishers on selected dates and dates for selected publishers) if no hits are found. This is both incorrect and confusing.
Upon reflection: the actual behavior is correct because:
It is consistent with the behavior when hits are returned.
It assumes that the user had good reason for selecting dates or publishers and would like to use prior selections, even if combined unproductively, to guide subsequent ones.
The user can see all results, if that is desired, by launching a new search.
Expected behavior
Faceted searching should show all facets if no hits are found
Actual behavior
Faceted searching shows only supplementary facets (publishers on selected dates and dates for selected publishers) if no hits are found. This is both incorrect and confusing.
Reproduction steps
Search for “Age, The” and “1870” (decade).