Piwigo / piwigo-openstreetmap

OpenStreetMap integration for Piwigo
GNU General Public License v3.0
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API key for MapQuest #113

Open MacGeol opened 7 years ago

MacGeol commented 7 years ago


And before all, thanks a lot for that great plugin and forgive me for my poor english. I've just created a ned Piwigo site here : http://hebergement.u-psud.fr/structurotheque/ and the osmap functionality via your plugin is very important for the site. Many things works very week but i have two issues : The most important and the most annoying for me is that the link on the menu tab on the left called by default "OSWORLDMAP" goes to a "404 error" with the description : "The requested URL /structurotheque/osmmap.php was not found on this server." So i have tried to modify the "osm_make_map_index_url" function in "/include/functions.php" but with no good results at this time. By changing the line "$url = get_root_url().'osmmap';" by "$url = get_root_url().'plugins/piwigo-openstreetmap/'.'osmmap';" don't have the 404 error but no map appear... It would be great that you could help me in resolving this issue.

Second issue but it's not your fault: It's no longer possible to choose "MapQuest Open" and "MapQuest Open Aerial" map theme, Map Quest indicate that it's no longer available since the 11 of july... what a pity... Perhaps another "aerial" map theme existing?

I hope you understood well my message. Thanks a lot for what you've done and further Cyrille

xbgmsharp commented 7 years ago

1/"OSWORLDMAP" HTTP/404 The file is create on installation, however you did not have the correct permission when installing the plugin. You can create the file manually, it should contain from line 142 to 154. https://github.com/xbgmsharp/piwigo-openstreetmap/blob/master/maintain.inc.php#L142

2/ Correct MapQuest require now an API Key and I should remove it from the list of offer an options for that key.

3/ "aerial" map, If you know any other, let me know and I will add it.

MacGeol commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot for your answer!

1/ Ok so i changed the permission on the folders and intalled the plugin again and all is now ok. Great!

2/ Giving the opportunity to enter an API key for MapQuest in the admin page of your plugin could be great.

3/ For others aerial view on openstreetmap i've read about GlobalMap/MapBox here : http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Aerial_imagery

Thanks a lot

xbgmsharp commented 7 years ago

GlobalMap/MapBox is not free to use. You need a commercial plan. I added Esri.WorldImagery from http://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/ I removed cloudmap that also require API.

xbgmsharp commented 7 years ago

1/ Solved, change the subject of the issue 2/ Add API Key for MapQuest, need to implemented now 3/ Add Arial view.

MacGeol commented 7 years ago

Hi xbgmsharp,

Good work, it works fine. And in a such short time.

Thanks a lot!