Piwigo / piwigo-openstreetmap

OpenStreetMap integration for Piwigo
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature request - Jump from map to photo-list #13

Closed quovadit closed 10 years ago

quovadit commented 10 years ago

I love the way piwigo-openstreetmap zooms in when clicking on a marker. On the other side, a cool feature of rv maps is the possibility to show a list of photos of a specific region. (one by one or showing all thumbnails at a time).

So with rv it is possible to browse through all Photos I took near Tour Eiffel, independent from categories.

Great would be a 'Show these photos'-Link in the top-right corner, which shows all Photos of the currently shown map-section in a 'SmartAlbum'.

(this would be equivalent to the way of showing a map of the currently shown photos now)

If this could be solved, piwigo-openstreetmap will be the perfect tool for every photographer!!!

xbgmsharp commented 10 years ago

Do you refer to the 'Show All' from rv_maps? If so it did not implement because i don't the way it is presented. And I could find a nice way to do so.

The 'Show All' from rv_maps open a lightbox, and try to show the photo like in the normal template. It is ugly from my point of view.

Maybe adding on top of the page a buttom/link to open all maker and show the popup with the image.

Any thoughts?

quovadit commented 10 years ago

Yes, we're talking about the 'show all' from rv_maps, and it's true that the lightbox is not implemented very beautiful. But it has a scrollable grid of thumbnails, and a list of the affected categories, both very useful.

Opening all markers and showing the images inside the map is a nice idea, but it has to be ensured, that even 100+ photos can be displayed, probably grouped / colored by categories / date.

xbgmsharp commented 10 years ago

What about creating a link call 'Show all' in all popup like for author and comment as an option. This link will create a temporal virtual album base on location with +/- a radius to be define in options. This way we use the real template design and piwigo function. The problem is to remove this temporal virtual album. Instead of a virtual album it can be a or a tag. But still how to remove it. Any thoughts?

xbgmsharp commented 10 years ago

I think I found a better idea. On the global map, I will show a form to search for tag and or album. Maybe even city, as long as i can find opensource data location. Then if any result, it show the show the thumbnail list in row instead the form.

quovadit commented 10 years ago

@search-form: I don't think, that the search-form will solve the problem! If i wanted to search for tag or album, I wouldn't use the map, and searching for a city is just an alternative to zooming in. The idea of this issue was not to find something but to 'Jump from map to photo-list'.

So in my view your first response makes much sense: A link 'Show all' creates a temporal virtual album based on the visible area. But I wouldn't put the Link (only) into the popup but (also) to the top of the page. Secondly I wouldn't define the area by 'location of 1 photo + radius' but by the visible area on the screen (center coordinates + zoom-level). This way I could show all Images of all markers I am seeing (exactly the same way as I can now show all locations of all images I am seeing in an album by clicking on the map-icon)

@how to remove the virtual album: The temporal virtual albums could be managed manually by admin, either on the maintenance-page, or similar to the batch-downloader-plugin, where the admin can delete the generated zip-files on the plugin-admin-page.

A user could have a maximum number of temporal virtual albums, if the limit is reached he must manually delete old ones before he can create a new one.

@last sentence: I didn't understand your last sentence: what does it mean to 'show the thumbnail list in row'? is this inside of the map or a virtual album or ...?

xbgmsharp commented 10 years ago

The concept is to do #5 and #13. I have 2 concept in mind but maybe they will merge:

quovadit commented 10 years ago

I didn't know the flickr map, it looks really smart!

But the number of images shown at once is limited by the width of the screen (~30); and because of the fact that you only see the markers of the currently shown images, you won't even have the possibility to see all location markers of one area at once!

Secondly the thumbnails are very small, and when clicking on one thumbnail to see a larger image it potentually covers the location of it!

I think this works well for flickr because there are millions of photos, so there is obviousely no need to see all images at once, and browsing through a selection of them is ok there.

But your guess that that's not exactly what I am looking for, is correct :-(

Compared to flickr I like your current solution of piwigo-openstreetmap much more!!! You have a cool way of zooming in, and on the lowest level there is a direct link between location and image, in a nice size and without covering anything important.

The only problem is the situation, when you don't want to zoom in completely to single images, but already show all images of a larger region.

So the question is: is it easier to create, hide and trash virtual albums, or to find a way of showing lots of images inside the map (without a lightbox and without covering important information).

By the way: for me it's not disturbing that the virtual albums are visible in the album list. There could be one Top-Level-Album 'Locations' and up to 10 subalbums per user for the virtual albums. The top-album could be visible only to a group containing those users who have minimum one active virtual album (so you would have to update the user-group permanentely).

Thanks for hinting at #5, I also commented on that...

xbgmsharp commented 10 years ago

I added a 'Show all' link on top the world map. When you click on bounds or zoom on the map, the link get update with the latitude and longitude of the current view on the map. When click on it, it create a main album call 'Locations' and It create a sub album call 'OSM' follow by the min latitude (eg: 'OSM35.667198571910966') It then redirect you to the newly create album.

Those album does not expire however they are delete and replace on the next 'Show all' click. So there will always be one main album call 'Locations' and a sub album available unless you remove them manually in the album manage page.

To test it, update the git repository and edit '/osmmap.php' to make it point to 'osmmap3.php' instead of 'osmmap.php' from :

# cat  /var/www/piwigo/osmmap.php
include_once( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH. 'plugins/piwigo-openstreetmap/osmmap.php');


# cat  /var/www/piwigo/osmmap.php
include_once( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH. 'plugins/piwigo-openstreetmap/osmmap3.php');

Could you please test and feedback?

quovadit commented 10 years ago

The Link 'Show all' points at osmmap3.php, so I get a 404. After changing the URL to osmmap.php it worked perfectly, great job!!!

I would change the text 'Show all' to 'Show photos on this screen' or something similar. If I have 100 Photos, and zommed in to an area with 10 photos, then it says: '100 Photos Show All'. So I would think I would get all 100 markers again, not the 10 photos.

xbgmsharp commented 10 years ago

I factorized some code, if you don't update the git repository, you will also need the 'main.inc.php' Last week-end i did a few commit to update Leaflet. https://github.com/xbgmsharp/piwigo-openstreetmap/compare/v0.8...master

xbgmsharp commented 10 years ago

The items numbers is now updated as well as the text

quovadit commented 10 years ago

I am deeply impressed! The only question is, how to quickly return to the same position in the map after jumping to the virtual album

xbgmsharp commented 10 years ago

You can't come back to the same position in the map. Piwigo as no such information, so it is impossible to get back to the same previous position in the map. It is why i was looking into something like Flickr as you always stay on the map, so you can browse and see items with in the map. Actually the V2 is like this, as it is way more complex, it is not done yet but good work in in progress. When you click on the miniature (half size of the square thumbnail, eg: 80x80px), it open the Popup. osmap2

xbgmsharp commented 10 years ago

I now open the link a new a window, so you don't lose you position in map.

quovadit commented 10 years ago

good idea to open the link in a new window! looking forward to V2, looks really nice!

xbgmsharp commented 10 years ago

New version available. It only support PWG2.6 which should be out soon. Hope you like the new WorldMap view. https://github.com/xbgmsharp/piwigo-openstreetmap/releases I am also closing the issue, as the 'show all' feature is implemented and include in this new release.