PiwikPRO / plugin-SiteMigration

Migrate websites and website data between two Piwik installations
17 stars 3 forks source link

What do I miss? #41

Open chrisprog20 opened 7 years ago

chrisprog20 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I tried the SiteMigration plugin and migrated data from "date-from" to "date-to" into another site. This was successful, but the widget for showing the visits for each page title does not show me any data though I selected the correct site and date (which have indeed data in the database):


So I am somehow stuck now, what I need to do in order to show the data....

The connection log_visit->log_link_visit_action --> log_action seems to be correct. The keys correspond to each other and the hash in the latter table is a crc32 of the name column in the latter table. I also deleted the respective archive tables but no change :( What can I else do? I am a beginner with piwik and I do not know what to do anymore...

I would be so happy if one of the developers could help me :)

Thank you in advance...