Pix4D / cogito

Concourse resource for GitHub Commit Status and Google Chat notifications
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Support custom user configuration in integration tests #106

Open bluek1te opened 1 year ago

bluek1te commented 1 year ago


As I was going through CONTRIBUTING.md to run the integration tests, and I modified the tasks.yml to input my own values from gopass into task test:env -- task test:all. I was wondering if it would be possible to open a PR to merge these changes.


+++ b/Taskfile.yml
@@ -48,13 +48,16 @@ tasks:
       - '{{ .CLI_ARGS }}'
     env: &test-env
-      COGITO_TEST_COMMIT_SHA: '{{default "32e4b4f91bb8de500f6a7aa2011f93c3f322381c" .COGITO_TEST_COMMIT_SHA}}'
+        sh: 'echo -n {{default "$(gopass show cogito/test_commit_sha)" .COGITO_TEST_COMMIT_SHA}}'
-        sh: 'echo {{default "$(gopass show cogito/test_oauth_token)" .COGITO_TEST_OAUTH_TOKEN}}'
-      COGITO_TEST_REPO_NAME: '{{default "cogito-test-read-write" .COGITO_TEST_REPO_NAME}}'
-      COGITO_TEST_REPO_OWNER: '{{default "pix4d" .COGITO_TEST_REPO_OWNER}}'
+        sh: 'echo -n {{default "$(gopass show cogito/test_oauth_token)" .COGITO_TEST_OAUTH_TOKEN}}'
+        sh: 'echo -n {{default "$(gopass show cogito/test_repo_name)" .COGITO_TEST_REPO_NAME}}'
+        sh: 'echo -n {{default "$(gopass show cogito/test_repo_owner)" .COGITO_TEST_REPO_OWNER}}'
-        sh: 'echo {{default "$(gopass show cogito/test_gchat_webhook)" .COGITO_TEST_GCHAT_HOOK}}'
+        sh: 'echo -n {{default "$(gopass show cogito/test_gchat_webhook)" .COGITO_TEST_GCHAT_HOOK}}'

--- a/github/commitstatus_test.go
+++ b/github/commitstatus_test.go
@@ -168,34 +168,34 @@ func TestGitHubStatusFailureIntegration(t *testing.T) {
                        name:  "bad token: Unauthorized",
                        token: "bad-token",
-                       wantErr: `failed to add state "success" for commit 32e4b4f: 401 Unauthorized
+                       wantErr: fmt.Sprintf(`failed to add state "success" for commit %s: 401 Unauthorized
 Body: {"message":"Bad credentials","documentation_url":"https://docs.github.com/rest"}
 Hint: Either wrong credentials or PAT expired (check your email for expiration notice)
-Action: POST https://api.github.com/repos/pix4d/cogito-test-read-write/statuses/32e4b4f91bb8de500f6a7aa2011f93c3f322381c
-OAuth: X-Accepted-Oauth-Scopes: [], X-Oauth-Scopes: []`,
+Action: POST https://api.github.com/repos/%s/%s/statuses/%s
+OAuth: X-Accepted-Oauth-Scopes: [], X-Oauth-Scopes: []`, cfg.SHA[0:7], cfg.Owner, cfg.Repo, cfg.SHA),```

(If this was already possible to do, but I ran the commands incorrectly, please let me know, thanks!)
marco-m-pix4d commented 1 year ago

Hello @bluek1te, yes, this is indeed finishing what I left half done :-) The only caveat is that it should work also under GitHub Actions, without gopass, by reading secrets injected in the GH Actions UI. I am mentioning this because I forgot the details. Please proceed with a PR, we will add fixes (if needed) there. Thanks!