Pixabay / jQuery-tagEditor

A powerful and lightweight tag editor plugin for jQuery.
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any way to avoid user enter tags (click o key on input)? #134

Open Gonzalox2 opened 6 years ago

Gonzalox2 commented 6 years ago

I wanna know if exist a way to avoid the user enter a tag, i have a preloaded tags, and onclick they change their color (for filtering) ,but onclick the input activates, and left edit (with keys, no with click) and enter tags

Gonzalox2 commented 6 years ago

Solved Custom Code `` ed.click(function (e, closest_tag) { var d, dist = 99999, loc;

            // do not create tag when user selects tags by text selection
            if (window.getSelection && getSelection() != '') return;

            if (o.maxTags && ed.data('tags').length >= o.maxTags) { ed.find('input').blur(); return false; }

            blur_result = true
            $('input:focus', ed).blur();
            if (!blur_result) return false;
            blur_result = true

            // always remove placeholder on click
            $('.placeholder', ed).remove();
            if (closest_tag && closest_tag.length)
                loc = 'before';
            else {
                // calculate tag closest to click position
                $('.tag-editor-tag', ed).each(function () {
                    var tag = $(this), to = tag.offset(), tag_x = to.left, tag_y = to.top;
                    if (e.pageY >= tag_y && e.pageY <= tag_y + tag.height()) {
                        if (e.pageX < tag_x) loc = 'before', d = tag_x - e.pageX;
                        else loc = 'after', d = e.pageX - tag_x - tag.width();
                        if (d < dist) dist = d, closest_tag = tag;
            if (o.allowUserTags) {
                if (loc == 'before') {
                } else if (loc == 'after')
                else // empty editor
            else {
                if (loc == "")
            // return false; //codigo original no permite .click event, este si
            return !(o.allowClickEvent);


`` $.fn.tagEditor.defaults = { initialTags: [], maxTags: 0, maxLength: 50, allowClickEvent: false, //allow .click events allowUserTags: true, //allow (or deny) the click en tag-edit (for insert)
delimiter: ',;', placeholder: '', forceLowercase: true, removeDuplicates: true, clickDelete: false, animateDelete: 175, sortable: true, // jQuery UI sortable autocomplete: null, // options dict for jQuery UI autocomplete

    // callbacks
    onChange: function () { },
    beforeTagSave: function () { },
    beforeTagDelete: function () { }

} (jQuery)); ``

NOTE: if you create an empty tag-editor , on click (boot new option true) ,this will minimize (but dont let enter tags), like on picture example

ne14tennis commented 5 years ago

This is just what I needed, thanks for sharing